Posts by Care9920

Labour Force Survey, October 2014, published November 7

Posted by on Nov 12, 2014 in Featured | 0 comments

Employment in October was up 0.2% from September. The unemployment rate was 6.5%, down from 6.8% in September and its lowest rate since November 2008.  Construction employment was up 0.2% from September while manufacturing employment gained 1.9% from a month earlier. In October, employment stood at 18.0 million, up 1.0% from October 2013.  Full-time employment grew by 26,500 from September, while part-time employment increased by 16,500 from the previous month.  Full-time employment was up by 80,6100 from October 2013, while part-time increased by 101,200 over the same period. Employment...

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Retail Trade, August 2014, published October 22

Posted by on Oct 27, 2014 in Featured | 0 comments

Retail sales in August were $42.4 billion, a decrease of 0.3% from July but up 4.4% from August 2013.  Excluding sales by motor vehicle and parts dealers and by gasoline stations, retail sales were up by 3.4%  from August 2013. Retail sales in volume terms were down 0.1% from July.  Decreases in month-over-month sales were reported in 7 of 11 sectors representing 76% of retail trade.  August 2014 sales over August 2013 were  up in all provinces.  Alberta led the way with an 8.0% sales gain, followed by British Columbia (+5.8%) and New Brunswick (+5.2%).   Quebec recorded a 2.3% gain over...

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Wholesale Trade, August 2014, published October 20

Posted by on Oct 22, 2014 in Featured | 0 comments

Wholesalers sold $53.1 billion worth of goods and services in August, up 0.2% from July and 6.0% higher than in August 2013.  Excluding the automotive sector, wholesale sales were up 5.9% from August 2013. In terms of volume, wholesale sales edged up 0.1% in August from July. Annualized wholesale sales grew in all provinces.  Newfoundland and Labrador (+14.1%) led the way, followed by Saskatchewan (+10.8%) and Nova Scotia (+8.8%).  Quebec’s wholesale sales were up 1.2% from August 2013 while Ontario’s annualized  increase was 7.2%. Wholesalers’ inventories in August increased...

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Consumer Price Index, September 2014, published October 17, (2002=100)

Posted by on Oct 20, 2014 in Featured | 0 comments

The Consumer Price Index rose by 2.0% in September compared with September 2013, down from  the 2.1% rate of annualized increase in August.    The CPI in September for goods was up 1.8% from a year earlier while the CPI for services rose 2.4%. Gasoline prices decreased 0.5% from September 2013, after falling 2.1% in August.  Overall, energy prices grew 2.7% between September 2013 and September 2014, following a 3.3%  annualized rate of increase in August.  Excluding energy, the annualized Consumer Price Index rose 2.1% in September, after growing by 2.0% in August. Food prices rose 2.7% in...

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Building Permits, August 2014, published October 7

Posted by on Oct 20, 2014 in Featured | 0 comments

Municipalities issued $6.7 billion worth of building permits in August, down 27.3% from July but 2.4% higher than in August 2013.       Three provinces reported an increase in permits over a year ago.  The largest increase was recorded in Newfoundland and Labrador (+46.1%) followed by Alberta (+31.4%) and Prince Edward Island (+12.6%).  Double-digit annualized decreases over August 2013 occurred in three provinces.  The largest year-over-year losses were recorded in Manitoba (-26.7%) followed by New Brunswick (-13.7%) and British Columbia (-11.1%).  Ontario experienced a 3.7% annualized loss...

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