Our Supplier Members

Please support our loyal supplier members!

ACCEO Solutions www.acceo.com/retail

AD Canada  www.adhq.com

Alexandria Moulding www.alexandriamoulding.com

Alliance Door Products www.alliancedoorproducts.com

Arch Wood Protection Canada Corp. a Lonza Company  www.wolmanizedwood.com

Armtec Inc.  armtec.com

At The Lake (ATL) Distributing Incorporated www.atldistributing.ca

Atlas Polar Company Ltd. (Materials Handling Equipment) www.atlaspolar.com

Auto-Stak Systems, Inc.  www.autostak.com

Bailey Metal Products Limited  www.bmp-group.com

Baseline Processing www.baselineprocessing.com

Bay Insulation Systems of Canada ULC www.bayinsulation.com

Beland Forest Products Ltd. www.beland.com

BEST Distribution www.bestdistribution.ca

BIK Hydraulics Ltd. www.bikboomtrucks.com

BMB Distributions 1985 s.e.c. www.distributionsbmb.com

Building Products of Canada Corp.  www.bpcan.com

Burlington Merchandising & Fixtures Inc. www.bmfonline.com

Cambium – Groupe Lebel  groupelebel.com

Canada Fastening Corporation  www.canadafastening.com

CanRoof Corporation Inc. www.canroof.com

CanSave  www.can-save.ca

Cape Cod Siding/Marwood Ltd www.marwoodltd.com

CashierPRO Retail Systems Inc.  www.cashierpro.com

Castle Building Centres Group Ltd. www.castle.ca

Cathelle Inc. www.cathelle.com

CGC Inc. www.cgcinc.com

CSM City Sheet Metal Co. Ltd.  www.citysheetmetal.com

Dass Metal Products www.dassmetal.com

Dealers Choice Distribution  dealerschoicedistribution.ca

DMC Recruitment Group  www.dmcrecruitment.com

Doman Building Materials  www.domanbm.com

Dupont  www.insulateyourhome.com

Dura Surface Protection www.durabordprotection.com

EAB Tool Company Inc. www.eabtool.com

ECi Software Solutions Inc.  www.ecisolutions.com

Empire Forest Products Ltd  (905) 332-9570

EPAK Inc. www.epak.ca

Epicor Solutions Canada Ltd  www.epicor.com

Garaga Inc.  www.garaga.com

Gentek Building Products www.gentek.ca

Gillfor Distribution Inc. www.gillfor.com

Goodfellow Inc. www.goodfellowinc.com

Groupe BMR Inc www.bmr.ca

Hardlines www.hardlines.ca

Herman’s Supply Company  www.hermanssupply.com

Hold Please Communications  www.holdplease.com

Holmes Garage Door Company  www.holmesgaragedoor.com

Home Hardware Stores Limited www.homehardware.com

HUB International Ontario Limited  www.lbmao.hroffice.com

Ideal Roofing Company Ltd. www.idealroofing.com

IKO Industries Ltd.  www.iko.com

JELD-WEN Windows & Doors  www.jeld-wen.ca

JELD-WEN Windows & Doors/DF Windows Collection  www.jeld-wen.ca

Johns Manville Canada Inc.  www.johnsmanville.com

Kaycan Limited  www.kaycan.com

Kool Ray Aluminum Railings (Imperial Manufacturing) imperialgroup.ca

Kutchin of Canada Inc.  www.kutchin.ca

Kwik Mix Materials Limited www.kwikmix.com

Leak and Company Limited  (416) 444-4461

LBMX  lbmx.com

LIV Building Products Inc.  www.livoutdoor.com

Maibec  www.maibec.com

Metrie Canada Ltd – Toronto Door Division  www.metrie.com

Metrie Canada Ltd – Toronto Moulding Division  www.metrie.com

MiTek Canada Inc.  www.mitek.ca

Mokal Group Corp. – AKL  www.aklcorp.com

National Forest Products Ltd. www.nationalforestproducts.com

Neos Products, division of Richelieu Hardware Canada Ltd    www.richelieu.com

Nicholson and Cates Limited www.niccates.com

Nu-Forest Products (Canada) Inc. www.nuforest.com

Onward Hardware division of Richelieu Hardware Ltd  www.onwardhardware.com

Orgill Inc.  www.orgill.com

Palfinger North America  www.palfinger-northamerica.com

Pastway Planing, a division of CanWel     www.pastwayplaning.com

Phoenix Business Solutions Inc.  phoenixsolutions.ca

Planes Precast Concrete Limited  www.planesprecastconcrete.com

Polytarp Products www.polytarp.com

Programmed Insurance Brokers Inc. www.pib.com

Quikrete Toronto Inc.  www.quikrete.com

Radio Systems Canada www.petsafe.net

Resisto – a div of Soprema Inc. www.resisto.ca

Richelieu Hardware Canada Ltd  www.onwardhardware.com

Richelieu Hardware Ltd  www.richelieu.com

ROCKWOOL   www.rockwool.com

RONA inc.  www.ronainc.ca

Royal Building Solutions (905) 850-9700

Royal Woodworking Co. Limited  www.royalwoodworking.com

Seljax Int’l Inc. www.seljax.com

Sellick Equipment Limited www.sellickequipment.com

Sexton Group Ltd  www.sextongroup.com

Sika Canada Inc.  www.sakretecanada.com

Simpson Strong Tie Canada, Ltd  www.strongtie.com

Soleno Inc.  www.soleno.com

Square Deal www.square-deal.ca

Steel-Craft Door Products Ltd. www.steel-craft.ca

Stella-Jones Inc.  www.stella-jones.com

Stewart Overhead Door & Distributing  www.stewartdoor.com

Strongco  strongco.com

Stubbe’s Cement www.stubbes.org

Taiga Building Products Ltd. www.taigabuilding.com

TalentSphere Staffing Solutions Inc. www.talentsphere.ca

Taymor Industries Ltd. www.taymor.ca

‘TFI’ – Total Forest Industries Ltd. (a divison of CanWel)  www.tfiwood.ca

TIMBER MART  www.timbermart.ca

Timber Specialties Co. www.timberspecialties.com

TOOLBX  www.toolbx.com

Toolway Industries Ltd  www.toolway.com

Trademark Industries  www.trademarkindustriesinc.com

Trinity Truck Sales Inc. www.trinitytrucksales.ca

Trusscore  trusscore.com

Vicwest Steel www.vicwest.com

Vista Railings Systems Inc.  www.vistarailings.com

Westman Steel Industries  www.westmansteel.ca

Weston Forest Products  westonforest.com

Weston Premium Woods www.westonpremiumwoods.com

Weston Wood Solutions www.westonwoodsolutions.com

York Enterprises  (905) 619-0115