Page 6 - Nov-Dec 2019 - Reporter
P. 6

Message from the PRESIDENT

                              never "underestimate" your customers

                              (or your employees)!

          david campbell           e  have  just  finished  our  fall  training  in   I  thought  I  might  share  some  of  the  comments
          LBMAO President     Westimating and yard management.  All courses   from students who attended the fall sessions:
                              were  full,  and  we  enjoyed  very  positive  comments
                              from the students on the learning outcomes.     “I love being provided with the toolbox I need to
                                 This  past  year,  we  expanded  both  the  fall  and   continue my estimating, unlike other courses where you
                              spring sessions by adding an additional week to our   need to retain everything and have no reference.”
                              regular  Mississauga  venue  –  Kingston  in  the  spring    L.S., Acton
                              and London in the fall.  We were pleasantly surprised
                              with the support received from our members and all          “Outstanding.”
                              classes were full.                                          S.Y., Shelburne
                                 Moving  courses out of  the  GTA  meant  we were
                              able  to  accommodate  member  businesses  by   “Trainer knowledgeable, helpful, willing to give
                              offering shorter travel distances for their employees     individual attention.”
                                       as  well  as  reduced  costs  in  travel  and      Stoney Creek
                      "We encourage    accommodations.   It is our  intention  to
                                       look  at  other  communities  in  Ontario   “Awesome course! Learned a lot, great toolbox.  Stan is a
                   all of our retailers  where it would make sense to host future         great teacher.”
                                       training courses to ensure full attendance.        A.W., Kitchener
                         who provide        The  estimating  courses  focus  on
                          estimating   the  efficiencies  of  using  shortcuts  and   “Extremely well explained.  Very useful tools. Every
                                       math  formulas  to  better  understand      estimator should take this class.”
                    services to invest   the  intricacies  of  doing  a  thorough  and     E.D., Hearst
                     in training their   accurate  estimate;  also  ensuring  that
                                       the  customer  is  aware  of  the  add  on   The comments from students are almost always
                         employees."   products  available  to  upgrade  the  sale   positive.    Negative  comments  usually  refer  to  the
                                       and customer satisfaction.         pace of learning or classroom layout.   We take every
                                 The  Yard  Management  course  is  one  day.  Yard   comment into consideration to improve the learning
                              supervisors  and  yard  employees  who  attend  this   experience for our students.
                              learning  session  explore  the  impact  of  inventory   We  will  be  announcing  the  dates  and  locations
                              management  on  the  bottom  line  of  the  store.    for  the  spring  estimating  and  yard  management
                              Accurate inventory counts and product management   courses  in  this magazine.    We encourage  all of our
                              in  the  yard  are  topics  of  discussion,  as  well  as   retailers  who  provide  estimating  services  to  invest
                              how  to  manage  customer  traffic  flow  in  the  yard   in  training  their  employees.  Everyone  learns  from
                              towards  reducing  theft,  accidents  and  being  more   attending  which  translates  into  happier  customers
                              efficient.  Grades of lumber and whether you should   and increased sales!
                              allow  customers  to  pick  their  own  (or  even  charge
                              customers  for  the  privilege  of  selecting  their  own
                              product off the piles) are subjects of discussion.
                                 We  are  planning  our  spring  sessions  for  early
                              March and will look at doing the Kingston area and
                              Mississauga venue again this year.

        6  LBMAO Reporter - November-December 2019                                         
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