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Message from the CHAIR

                              the importance of being a volunteer

             KEN FORBES         learned the importance of volunteering at a young   involved  with  all kinds  of  committees, community
        Orillia Trim & Door Ltd,   I  age, as a way of giving back to the community.  groups and boards.
                                                                             Volunteering has become a big part of my life.  I
             Severn, ON          As a youth, I was a cub and a scout with Scouts
                              Canada. Over the years, I came to realize that most   have made a lot of good friends, many who I wouldn’t
                              of  the  adults,  leaders  and  administration  people   have  met  without  getting  involved  fully  in  many
                              were all volunteers - That included my dad.  Because   organizations  over  the  years.  My  association  with
                              of his job, he couldn’t commit to be a Cub or Scout   the LBMAO has been, and continues to be, very close
                              leader,  so  he  worked  to  help  organize  camps,  trips   to my heart and has provided me with the chance to
                              and those dreaded fund raisers. These jobs - each as   meet many good people I now call friends.
                              important as the other - helped to support the day-to-  Over the past seven years, I’ve turned down many
                              day operation of the group. I thought that every cub’s   requests from different organizations to help out as
                              mom  and  dad  helped  out;  imagine  how  great  that   a volunteer so I could devote my time to providing
                                        would have been.                  support for my mom and dad in their twilight years;
                    "...the expression     I think the first time I realized that   an honour I am glad I was able to provide. Back in
                                        not  all  the  parents  helped  was  during   January,  after  mom  passed,  I  planned  on  stepping
                         "10% of the    our  annual  bottle  drive  (that  was  back   back to have some “me time”. It wasn’t long before I
                      people do 90%     when there was a deposit on almost all   felt that something was missing; and I realized that
                                        glass bottles). It was early on a Saturday   (for me) volunteering is a big part of “me time”.
                       of the work"...  morning in late October. On a cold and   Statistics say that 13.3 million people are involved
                       has resonated    drizzly  day,  myself  and  three  of  my   in volunteerism across Canada. While that represents
                                        buddies climbed into my dad’s car and   one-third  of  the  population,  in  reality  the  actual
                      throughout my     we headed out to the first street.  Dad   numbers  are  much  lower,  as  most  volunteers  serve
                       years of being   would drive slowly down the block while   more  than  one  organization,  thus  the  saying  “10%
                                        two of us would go door-to-door down   of the people do 90% of the work”. It is a well-known
                        involved with   each side of the street, picking up the   fact that without volunteers, our Canadian way of life
                          all kinds of   bottles and bringing them back to the   would be quite different and things like our medical
                                        open trunk. We made many trips back to   system would grind to a halt. As an employer, I have
                        committees,     the meeting hall to unload; then back to   always encouraged  my  staff  to  get  involved  and
                         community      gather more bottles.              have supported them with advice and sponsorships
                                           I  think  it  was  mid  afternoon  when   whenever  possible.  As  our  population  continues
                          groups and    a  car  pulled  up  and  one  of  the  dads,   to age, the need for more and more volunteers will
                                        looking  pretty  angry,  approached  my   continue to grow.
                             boards."   dad  and  started  yelling  at  him  about   If  you  are  part  of  the  10%,  thank  you  from  the
                                        keeping  his  son  out  for  so  long  on  a   bottom of my heart; if you are part of the 90%, please
                              nasty  day.  He  also  complained  he  was  missing  a   give  serious  consideration  to  switching  teams.  The
                              football game on TV in order to pick up his son. Dad   reward of serving in any form will pay great dividends
                              didn’t  get  flustered,  he  simply  turned  to  the  man   in your personal well being, while making a positive
                              and  told  him  if  he  would  get  off  his  ass  and  come   impact on others.
                              out to help, we could all be warm at home, watching   In closing, I just joined a team that is organizing
                              the game. The man didn’t have a response, he just   the  fundraising  and  build  for  a  much-needed  new
                              grabbed his kid by the hand and left.           men’s, women’s and family shelter in Orillia. It feels
                                     I  can’t  remember  the  first  time  I  heard  the   great to be back!
                              expression “10% of the people do 90% of the work”,   See you all at the LBMAO’s 100th Anniversary Gala
                              but  it  has  resonated  throughout  my  years  of  being   on November 16th.

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