Page 16 - May-June 2021 REPORTER
P. 16


        Managing Stress & Anxiety

                                                                                        Contributed by PIB Inc.

            s  we  navigate  uncharted  territory   and risk of infection. Anxiety is highly   causing  our  mind  and  bodies  to  react
        Aand  the  evolving  realities  of   common  and  is  often  triggered  by   with physical, mental or  emotional
        COVID-19,   we    may    experience  specific  events,  trauma  or  stressful   actions.
        potential  fear,  stress  and  anxiety   scenarios  creating  challenges in our
        due  to  the  overwhelming  volume  of   daily activities and interactions. Stress   Remember,  we all  react  differently to
        information  and  the  demands  being   results  from  normal  reactions  where   stressful situations. Given our diverse
        put  in  place  to  combat  the  spread   adjustments or a response is required,   backgrounds and the communities we

        16  LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2021                                                 
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