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Message from the PRESIDENT

                              2021 - the year we don't want to


          david campbell                  will  be  remembered  as  the  year   Don’t you wish we could wave the magic wand,
          LBMAO President     2021  that we don’t want to remember!  At   and  all  of  this  would  just  go  away?    There  is  no
                              the beginning of the year, our country anticipated   easy  solution,  however  we  can  all  do  our  part  to
                              moving  forward  and  getting  back  to  normal  with   help  mitigate  the  effects  of  the  pandemic.    The
                              all  indications  that  the  COVID-19  virus  will  start   protocols  that  were  put  in  place  by  the  province
                              to  slow  its  effect  on  our  health  and  economy.     such  as  social  distancing,  wearing  masks,  limiting
                              Boy,  were  we  wrong!    New  variants  and  continual   the  number  of  customers  in  our  businesses  and
                              government  mandates  to  slow  interactions   getting vaccinated are proven methods of reducing
                              between citizens has impacted the economy more   the  spread  of  the  virus  and  it  is  reflected  in  the
                              than any of us would have thought.          reduced level of hospitalizations and deaths being
                                 Although  our  sector  has  enjoyed  robust   reported  in  late  winter  of  2022.    Our  members
                              sales  and  margins  in  the  past  couple  of  years,   have  been  diligent  in  enforcing  the  protocols  to
                              indications  are  that  we  will  be  challenged  going   keep their employees and customers safe.
                              into  2022  with  inflation,  higher  interest  rates   At  the  time  of  this  writing  we  are  moving  out
                                          and  unprecedented  supply  chain   of the stage 4 lockdown (I think it is stage 4 or is
                                          problems.    The  efforts  by  the   it stage 4 lite? It changes all the time!) after most
                         "We all know     provincial  and  federal  governments   restaurants,  sporting  facilities,  movie  theatres
                                          to  mitigate  the  effects  of  the  virus   and gyms have been shut down for over a month.
                        of friends and    on  our  health  care  system  has  no   Understanding  that  the  shutdown  did  help  to
                    relatives who are     doubt  helped  to  start  reducing   drive  down  the  demand  on  the  health  system,  it
                                          deaths and hospitalizations of those   also  created  severe  crises  for  many  people  and
                    being affected by     affected  seriously  with  COVID-19   businesses.    We  need  to  open  up  and  get  the
                      the virus, either   and its variants - but at what cost?  economy back up and running at full tilt.
                                            Businesses  shut  down,  people   As  mentioned  above,  there  are  several  things
                   coming down sick       unemployed,  stress  and  mental   we  can  all  do  to  move  us  back  to  a  more  normal
                                          health issues affecting all of us.  We   life  however  getting  vaccinated  is  demonstrably
                      with it or being    all  know  of  friends  and  relatives   the most important to move the economy forward.
                  affected financially    who  are  being  affected  by  the   Internationally,  scientists  have  suggested  that
                                          virus,  either  coming  down  sick   we  will  be  living  with  the  COVID-19  virus  and
                       and mentally."     with  it  or  being  affected  financially   its  variants  for  the  foreseeable  future  and  we
                                          and  mentally.    Initially  the  federal   can  expect  more  “booster  shots”  as  part  of  our
                                          and  provincial  governments  had   everyday life.  I have been getting the flu shot for
                              supported  businesses,  including  this  Association,   years, tetanus every 10 years, as most of us have,
                              by  subsidizing  the  effects  of  reduced  income  and   so  we  are  not  exploring  new  territory  with  the
                              rent.  This is no longer in place but the effects of   booster shots!
                              the  pandemic  are  still  with  us  in  2022  and  many   So  those  of  you  who  are  not  vaccinated,  give
                              businesses  are  still  struggling.    Quite  frankly,  our   your head a shake and get vaccinated to help keep
                              governments  are  broke  and  cannot  provide  the   us all safe!
                              level  of  support  we  received  at  the  beginning  of   Looking  forward  to  a  much  more  enjoyable
                              the pandemic.                               2022!

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