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or those of us who grew up in the ’50s   composite  wood  products  covered  by   lumber)  or  if  sold  in  bulk  lots,  on  the
        Fand ’60s we can remember the Health   these  regulations.  However,  it  tends  to   outside  of  the  lift.    It  is  not  clear  if  the
        Canada  initiative  to  remove  asbestos   result  in  higher  formaldehyde  emissions.   retailer is required to identify the product
        from  buildings,  shipping  and  vehicles   To encourage the use of other resins that   to the end user.
        due  to  the  health  risks  affiliated  with   emit  less  formaldehyde,  the  regulations   The  regulation  will  be  implemented
        this  naturally  mined  product  used  as   include   reduced-frequency   testing   over  a  5-year  period  as  there  are  many
        an  insulator.    Canada  was  then  a  major   provisions  for  those  products  using   steps  that  have  to  be  put  into  place
        producer, and it was identified that during   reduced formaldehyde content.  through  the  supply  chain  to  meet
        the  mining  process,  installation  and   Manufacturers   and   importers   are   compliance.  January  7,  2023  is  the  start
        ingestion of asbestos fibres caused cancer   required  to  have  these  laminated/  of  this  process  and  implementation  will
        and  contributed  to  many  thousands  of   composite  products  tested  and  labelled   begin  at  the  manufacturing  level  first.
        deaths  and  illness.    As  a  country,  we  no   that  they  do  not  exceed  the  limits  as   Retailers  for  kitchen  cabinets,  vanities,
        longer  use  asbestos  and  have  limited   defined  in  the  regulation.  Guidelines   bookshelves and all types of sheet goods
        mining capacity.                     on  the  testing  processed  and  frequency   will be required to follow the regulations.
           We now have a new concern identified   is  on  the  Health  Canada  website.    The   A  detailed  technical  document  can  be
        by Health Canada in partnership with the   compliance  labels  will  include  date  of   obtained from the Government of Canada:
        U.S.  Department  of  Health  in  the  use  of   manufacture,  resin  information,  lot  no.,   formaldehyde-formaldehyde@hc-sc.
        formaldehyde  as  an  adhesive  bonding   testing  results  and  depending  on  the (Health Canada)
        agent  in  the  manufacturing  process   product  other  information  may  also  be
        used  to  make  many  products  sold  in  the   provided.                   Reports,  data  and  contact  information
        home  improvement  sector  in  Canada.                                    can  be  obtained  from  Environment  and
        Formaldehyde  has  been  identified  as  a                                Climate Change Canada (ECCC):
        carcinogenic  gaseous  substance  when   "Cabinetry, furniture, trim,
        used  indoors.  To  mitigate  the  risk  to                                 GUIDANCE    DOCUMENT    ON   THE
        humans,  a  maximum  standard  of  the   hardwood plywood, medium-        FORMALDEHYDE     EMISSIONS   FROM
        amount  of  formaldehyde  that  can  be   density fibreboard (MDF),       COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS REG.
        released  into  the  air  indoors  has  been
        established  for  producers  of  products   particleboard and laminated
        containing   formaldehyde.   Starting   products: these products will
        January  7,  2023,  the  new  Formaldehyde
        Emissions from Composite Wood Products   have to be tested and certified
        Regulations1  (CANFER)  prohibit  the  sale,   at manufacturing to meet the
        offer  for  sale,  or  import  of  composite
        wood products that release formaldehyde   minimum standard as set by
        at  levels  that  exceed  the  regulatory     Health Canada..."
        emission  limits.  Although  the  recent
        document  provided  by  Health  Canada
        is  quite  technical,  all  manufacturers,
        distributors and retailers of the following   Sellers (retailers) of these products are
        products  need  to  be  aware  of  the  new   required  to  identify  them  upon  receipt
        regulation on the following products:  into  their  business  (manufacturing  label
           Cabinetry,  furniture,  trim,  hardwood   of  declaration  should  be  attached)  and
        plywood,   medium-density   fibreboard   keep records up to 5 years on the receipt
        (MDF),   particleboard   and   laminated   of  these  products.    These  records  can be
        products.  These products will have to be   kept  electronically.  It  would  appear  from
        tested  and  certified  at  manufacturing  to   the  regulation  that  when  receiving  these
        meet  the  minimum      standard  as  set  by   products the retailer will have to identify
        Health Canada and the products will have   that  they  have  been  certified  and  record
        to  be  labelled  through  the  supply  chain   the date received into the business.
        that they have been tested by a qualified     The  onus  will  be  on  manufacturers   As  depicted  above,  warning  signs
        3rd party testing agency.  There are some   and  importers  to  ensure  compliance   are  suggested  identifying  products  that
        exemptions  (e.g.  laminated  flooring  is   and  labelling  of  those  products  covered   contain  formaldehyde  for  consumer
        covered with a veneer as well as kitchen   under the regulation, however sellers will   protection.  Signage  is  not  mandatory  at
        counters and cabinets that have a plastic   have  to  be  aware  of  their  responsibility   the present time.
        or  veneer  surface  would  not  require  the   to  record  receipt  of  the  products.    The
        labelling).                          labeling will probably be in the format of
           Urea  formaldehyde  is  the  most   a stamp on each piece of product (similar
        commonly  used  resin  for  manufacturing   to  the  stamp  to  identify  the  grading  of                                                      LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2023 19
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