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drive long term growth. It is important to find search engine optimization. This is the or banking partner. If you are planning on
a technology company who understands process used to optimize a website’s technical putting Amazon out of business you have a
your business, your data, your goals and configuration, content relevance and link lot of work to do, but there are opportunities
can match these to the necessary support. popularity so its pages can become easily for building materials suppliers to grow their
How easy is it to link to your existing point findable, more relevant and popular towards sales and enhance their relationships with
of sale system? Your staff and customers user search queries and as a consequence, customers via the internet.
need a solution that can seamlessly integrate search engines rank them better. You need
your existing data (including sku numbers, to have help matching your systems data so We would like to thank some of the technical
product descriptions, and dimensions) with that a prospective customer finds your site E-commerce partners who have provided
the E-commerce platform. These all need when they do a search. The more customers information for this article:
to work together with invoicing, delivery, who find your site the better your chances Brad Cumiskey from Toolbx
and accounting systems. This is where an of making a sale. Care needs to be taken to (
E-commerce provider that has knowledge make sure that your customer can easily move
of the building materials industry and their through the site to arrive at their goal. All of Patrick Taleghani from ECI Software Solutions
POS support systems can be vital. Data is this must be able to work hand in hand with (
incredibly important in today’s marketplace your existing business and staff.
but if you can’t manage the data, it offers only 1. Source LBM Journal 100 May 2022. Construction Supply
problems and no solutions. Conclusions 150 Report 2022
The online sales marketplace holds 2. https://www sites/
How do I do this? tremendous opportunities for building forbesagencycouncil/2019/01/15/online-reviews-and-
A great E-commerce solution will only materials retailers. With the proper support their-impact-on-the-bottom-line/?sh=5020e15a5bde
be effective if it is marketed correctly, and network and a clear understanding of the 3.
the physical brick and mortar functions of results you would like, you can be pointed online-making-big-purchases
your business can communicate clearly. in the proper direction. Just like any other 4. Basics of Search Engine Optimization – Mailchimp 2023
You need to have a marketing plan for your part of your business research and planning
internet store to get traffic. Just turning the are critical to success. Choosing to work with
switch on to go live will not bring results if vendors who are interested in supporting
no one knows about it. All internet sales your business is just as important as choosing
partners will talk about SEO. SEO means the right legal team, accounting support LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2023 21