Page 22 - May-June 2023 REPORTER - web optimzed
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        ...INDUSTRY NEWS continued from   Centre  is  one  of  those  members.
        page 15                        Erin  Teel  manages  the  Haliburton
                                       Home  Building  Centre.  She  and  her
        boutique, paint boutique, bike racks   assistant managers Carol Mowat and
        at  the  entrance,  green  space  near   Nigel Milne work closely to make this
        the  street,  and  a  brand-new  indoor   beautiful store shine.
        lumber  drive-thru  warehouse,  it  is   The  store  opened  in  downtown
        obvious that Chris and Shannon are   Haliburton  as  Haliburton  Home
        committed  to  serving  the  Thunder   Hardware. It became Walker’s Home
        Bay community.                 Hardware  in  2014  when  it  was
                                       purchased by Dale and Jerry Walker.
        Scott  Fines  Receives  NAHPA  2023   In  2019  a  new  16,000  square  foot
        Young Retailer of the Year Award  store was built at the top of the hill
           Please  join  us  in  congratulating   on County Road 21. This was under
        Scott  Fines,  P.  Eng,  Dealer-Owner   the  new  ownership  of  the  Moulton
        of  Fines  Home  Hardware  Building   Group.  At  that  time  the  store  was
        Centres  in  Cornwall  and  Ingleside,   renamed Haliburton Home Hardware.
        for  receiving  the  North  American   The  spring  of  2022  brings  a
        Hardware  and  Paint  Association   banner  update  as  they  are  adding
        2023  Young  Retailer  of  the  Year   lumber  and  building  materials  and
        Award!                         will  be  renaming  Haliburton  Home
           This  award  recognizes  individual   Hardware  Building  Centre.  This
        achievements by independent home   banner  change  comes  with  a  new   many seasonal customers with the trading population growing
        improvement  and  paint  retailers   AutoStak  lumber  storage  shed  this   from 20,000 people in the winter, swelling to over 45,000 in
        aged 35 and younger throughout the   summer,  adding  just  over  7800   the summer. The staff at the Haliburton Home Building Centre
        U.S. and Canada.               square  feet  of  additional  lumber   strive to have a great mix of hardware offerings but like to add
           Prior  to  earning  his  professional   and building material storage space.   some fun decorative items in their Home Expressions giftware
        engineering   designation,   Scott   They are excitedly looking forward to   section. They have a seasonal garden centre along with Canada
        grew up working with his parents at   being a full-service lumber location,   Docks and screen and glass repair. The one feature that can’t be
        the  original  Fines  Home  Hardware   providing  their  homeowners  and   duplicated is the “best view from a hardware store parking lot.”
        Building  Centre  in  Shelburne.  Scott   contractors  with  quality  materials   This store looks out over the river where resident swans swim
        returned  to  the  hardware  business   and excellent service.   every spring.
        in  2016  with  the  purchase  of  two   This store is known for their very   This  relaxed  attitude  is  in  keeping  with  their  pet  friendly
        Home  Hardware  stores  in  Ingleside   creative  paint  department  staff    stance. Normally it is dogs, but they get the occasional cat on a
        and Cornwall. Despite how busy he is   (Kevin  and  Charlene)  who  work   leash coming into the store. Recently they had a Bear visit. Bear
        professionally, Scott prioritizes being   at  showcasing  tools,  tricks  of  the   is a lovely dog customer, who knows where the treats are kept.
        an active member of the community.   trade  and  materials  for  refinishing   He decided to make a shopping trip on his own. Through social
        He  has  sponsored  and  donated  to   furniture.  They  use  these  refinished   media they were able to get in touch with Bear’s owner and he
        300 different causes in his 7 years as   furniture  pieces  and  auction  them   finished his shopping trip successfully.
        a Home Hardware Dealer.        off,  with  the  proceeds  going  to  the   The  store  has  grown  and  flourished  because  of  the  great
           Congratulations,  Scott,  for  this   local  4C  Food  Bank.  They  also  have   team they have assembled. Carol Mowat feels that “it’s really
        well-deserved honour!          a special local art focus. Each month   great to see how much the staff cares about each other. We’ve
                                       an end cap features the “Artist of the   had lots of staff helping other staff outside of work – genuine
        Haliburton Home Hardware Expands  Month.”                    friends – it’s very nice”. This teamwork is felt when you walk in
           Here at the LBMAO we recognize   The  addition  of  the  lumber   the front door of the store.
        new  members  and  members  that   and  building  materials  is  intended   We  wish  the  staff  and  managers  at  the  Haliburton  Home
        are  expanding  their  operations.   to  grow  their  contractor  base  of   Hardware  Building  Centre  a  successful  expansion  and  thank
        The  Haliburton  Home  Building   customers.  The  Haliburton  area  has   them for their membership.

                                                               Home Hardware .......................................................................................15
                                                               National Forest Products ......................................................................17
            Atlas Polar ......................................................................................................5  Nicholson and Cates Limited ................................inside back cover
            Best Distribution .........................................................................................7  Nu-Forest Products (Canada) Inc. ......................................................14
            Canada Fastening Corporation .....................................................12,13  Polytarp Products ................................................................................................11
            Castle Building Centres Group ..........................outside back cover  Sellick Equipment ..................................................................................................9
            Gillfor ..............................................................................inside front cover  Taiga Building Products ....................................................................................21

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