Page 21 - Nov-Dec 2023
P. 21

THE 31    st


         recently  had  the  privilege  of  attending   some of their other stores in the province. In   firewood giveaways for other draws.
        I  the  Annual  Hardlines  Conference  at  the   2001 she became an assistant to the finance   They have a specialized design and layout
        beautiful Fairmont Chateau Whistler in British   department at Groupe BMR. At that time, she   as  well  as  scent  machines  in  each  store  to
        Columbia.  This  event  featured  a  great  mix   re-enrolled at the University of Montreal and   make people feel comfortable. The exclusive
        of  retailers,  suppliers  and  building  industry   received her master’s degree.  In 2004, at the   scent  has  hints  of  tomato,  basil,  orange,
        experts who came together to talk about the   age of 27, Geneviève was named the general   vanilla, and celery which are combined with
        building  materials  sales  industry  and  how   manager of the family stores. She successfully   a wood scent to create a soothing aroma for
        collectively we can improve it.      managed  several  new  store  acquisitions   customers while shopping.
           The  two  main  speakers  this  year  were   and  startups,  growing  the  business  to  its   Each  store  has  several  special  traffic
        Geneviève  Gagnon,  President  of  Gagnon  La   current five locations. These include two eco-  builder  programs.  They  give  away  store
        Grande Quincaillerie and Marilyne and Sylvain   friendly  new  builds  in  Saint-André-Avellin   branded  tee  shirts,  socks,  and  hats  to  build
        LaFerriere  from  Ace  Victory  Building  Centre   and Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. In 2007 she was   their brand. They also offer a loyalty program
        in Mackenzie, B.C.  Their stories hold valuable   named Young Retailer of the Year. Geneviève   for  contractors  called  G  Plus.  This  program
        lessons for those of us in the industry.  continued to grow the business through the   allows  contractors  to  earn  points  which  can
                                             acquisition of a truss and floor plant, and they   be  redeemed  at  the  gas  station,  the  liquor
        Gagnon La Grande Quincaillerie       have added a distribution warehouse. In 2020   store or through Air Transat.
           Geneviève  Gagnon  is  the  president  of   they  left  the  BMR  buying  group  to  function    Geneviève has a favourite saying, “Boots
        a  family-owned  hardware  and  building   as a true independent, choosing to distribute   walk the talk”. She has clearly proven this to
        materials retailer, started by her grandfather   materials  for  other  independent  retailers.  In   be true with her success at Gagnon La Grande
        in 1942 as a general store. The business grew   2022 Geneviève purchased the business from   Quincaillerie.
        under  her  father’s  guidance.  In  1973  they   her father and became president.
        converted  the  business  to  a  hardware  store.   Geneviève  literally  “grew  up  in  a   Ace Victory Building Centre
        In  1980  they  joined  the  BMR  buying  group.   lumber yard” since the family home stood in   Marilyne and Sylvain LaFerriere from Ace
        Her  dad  Yves  Gagnon  eventually  became   the same yard as her parents’ business, Bois   Victory  Building  Centre  in  Mackenzie,  B.C.
        president  and  CEO  of  Groupe  BMR  Inc.   de Construction Chénéville Inc. As a teenager,   have  had  a  different  road  to  success  in  the
        Geneviève  worked  at  several  international   she already enjoyed working not only at the   building  materials  industry.  Their  store  Ace
        businesses after graduating university before   hardware store during the summer holidays,   Victory Building Centre has been faced with
        returning  to  work  at  the  family’s  hardware   but  also  at  the  farm  where  they  moved   several critical issues that in a remote small
        stores. She first was tasked by her father to   when she was 6 years old. She still uses that   town  would  seem  insurmountable,  but  they
        turn  around  an  under-performing  family   farming experience today in her stores. They   have  persevered.  Mackenzie,  B.C.,  town  of
        branch store. Upon successfully guiding that   run  promotions  that  feature  give-aways   just 3,800 people, nestled in the foothills of
        store, BMR asked her to work at transforming   of  beef  from  their  family  farm  as  well  as   the Rocky Mountains. It is a remote area, with
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