Page 8 - D13014 - LBMAO - Mar-Apr 2018 - Reporter - web
P. 8
Message from the PRESIDENT
time for change
david campbell ne mandate of the Association - and one of of the Reporter magazine (for full survey results
LBMAO President Othe many functions that we provide for our please visit, under "News"). As
members - has always been advocacy. Over the expected, we (as business people) collectively
years, we have been active at the federal level and indicated our gravest concerns about the rising
through our collective involvement with the other government debt; the high cost of energy; the
building improvement/hardware associations cost of government; third party influence during
in Canada. We have stated our positions to the the course of the election; and the nightmare
Standing Committee on Finance in such areas of of managing the health and safety programs
concern as the Home Improvement Tax credit downloaded on our businesses.
when we experienced the downturn in the global Our provincial election is fast approaching and
economy from 2008 to 2010. This function was each of us needs to ensure that all our employees
fostered through the Canadian Retail Building and customers are aware of our concerns about
Supply Council. We have now formally the economy; and how the direction this current
"...we are a long amalgamated the four English government is taking in increasing debt and
speaking associations to form a new downloading cost onto business is going to impact
way off from entity: the Building Material Council hiring new employees, hours of operation and even
getting the of Canada – BMCC. (The Quebec the viability of keeping the doors open and the
Association has taken a different lights on.
finances in this approach and will represent itself I would also like to point out that we mailed this
province back concerning their regional concerns). letter to all the MPPs on March 15th. Our office
The BMCC in partnership with its received a call from the office of Lisa MacLeod, the
in order; and key buying groups and national and PC finance critic, inviting me to a meet and greet
need a strong regional suppliers will be active at with the PC party leader Doug Ford. I attended that
the federal level. It will work with function on the 21st at the legislature and listened
and focused a company based in Ottawa that to what Doug had to say. The PC platform for the
government that will position and lobby our federal election is similar to the results of our survey in
representatives and key ministry focusing on the above-mentioned concerns. He did
can negotiate all personnel on those areas of concern not suggest providing dental and drug programs
those roadblocks for our members. As well, over with the current Ontario debt approaching
the next few months, we will be
EIGHT BILLION dollars; how can we afford such a
towards fiscal collaborating with other companies generous benefit!
who specialize in developing a Possibly, if the debt was to be reduced in half
responsibility." strategy on social media and a over the next few years, then those types of social
national job board to offer a program programs for all of us in this province would have
for members on attracting employees to the home some validity. But, we are a long way off from
improvement sector. We will be advocating and getting the finances in this province back in order;
working with the federal government ministries and need a strong and focused government that
in areas of concern - credit card interchange rates can negotiate all those roadblocks towards fiscal
being one of them. responsibility. It is time for change!
At the provincial level, the LBMAO board
initiated a survey of our members in the late fall
and, based on the results of that survey, a letter
was drafted to all the MPP’s in Ontario, as well as
the party leaders, communicating these results.
A copy of that letter is included in this edition
8 LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2018