Page 12 - Jul-Aug 2024 - Reporter
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           timber mart names new vice-                     goodfellow celebrates 25 years on the tsx
              president of distribution

                                                                                  Goodfellow sends a heartfelt thanks to their
                                                                                  employees,  customers,  shareholders  and
                                                                                  suppliers  for  contributing  to  their  success.
                                                                                  With a diversified offering and strong balance
                                                                                  sheet, the future is bright.

        TIMBER  MART  has  promoted  their  current
        director  of  operations,  Jeff  Campbell,  to  the
        position  of  vice-president  of  distribution,
        effective  immediately.  John  Morrissey  who
        currently  holds  the  title  will  be  departing
        from TIMBER MART by mid-year next year to
        pursue other career opportunities. In his new
        role, Mr. Campbell will be responsible for the
        management  of  the  distribution  operation
        arm  of  TIMBER  MART  which  includes  four
        LBM distribution centres and their respective
        teams  i.e.  in  Langley,  British  Columbia,
        Winnipeg,  Manitoba,  Mount  Forest,  Ontario,
        and St-Nicolas, Québec.
           “Throughout  the  12  years  Jeff  has  been
        with  TIMBER  MART,  he  has  developed  and
        led  effective  teams  to  achieve  great  growth
        and success for our distribution centres,” says
        Bernie Owens, president and CEO of TIMBER   RONA ANNOUNCEMENTS            has  previously  held  top  leadership  roles  in
        MART. “I’m confident that our members’ LBM                                high-profile Canadian retail and construction
        distribution  needs  will  be  served  well  and                          companies,  including  Chief  Financial  Officer
        that our distribution teams will be inspired to                           at  Dollarama  and  Executive  Vice-President
        achieve continued success for our group with                              and Chief Financial Officer at Pomerleau Inc.
        Jeff’s strong leadership skills and progressive                             “I  am  greatly  honored  to  assume  the
        experience in operations management.”                                     leadership of this Canadian household name.
           Jeff  has  over  20  years  of  experience  in                         It’s  an  exciting  time  for  RONA  as  we  are
        distribution,  customer  service,  management   J. P. Towner appointed President and Chief   building  the  future  of  this  iconic  brand  that
        and  building  material  sales  within  our   Executive Officer of RONA inc.  has  been  serving  Canadians  for  the  past  85
        industry. He will continue to be based out of            RONA  inc.,  one   years. We have an exceptional team in place
        TIMBER MART’s distribution centre in Langley,          of  Canada’s  leading   which I’m proud to lead into the next phase of
        B.C.  and  report  directly  to  TIMBER  MART’s        home  improvement   this company as we strive to help Canadians
        president and CEO, Bernie Owens.                       retailers   operating   build  their  homes  and  dreams,”  said  J.  P.
                                                               and  servicing  some   Towner.
        About TIMBER MART                                      425  corporate  and
           Founded in 1967, TIMBER MART is the                 affiliated   stores,   Doidge  Building  Centres  Acquires  Two  New
        largest  national  member-owned  buying                announced     the   RONA Stores
        group in Canada for the true independent               appointment  of  J.  P.   Under  their  new  ownership,  the  Carp
        entrepreneur. With hundreds of members,                Towner to the role of   and Woodlawn (ON) building centres will be
        including  independent  building-material              President  and  Chief   switching over to the RONA banner
        and hardware retailers, commercial dealers             Executive Officer.     RONA  inc.,  one  of  Canada’s  leading
        and manufacturers located in every province              Towner    joined   home  improvement  retailers  operating  and
        across the country, TIMBER MART provides               RONA  in  October   servicing  some  425  corporate  and  affiliated
        its extensive dealer network with a menu of   2023  as  Chief  Financial  Officer.  He  is  a   stores, announces the acquisition of two new
        competitive  buying  programs,  comprehensive   seasoned  executive  with  more  than  15   stores by Doidge Building Centres Ltd, which
        marketing services and personalized support to   years  of  experience  in  corporate  strategy,   will  be  converted  to  the  RONA  banner:  the
        drive independent business success. For more   financial management and leadership, whose   DEKA Home Building Centres located in Carp
        information, visit  and   extensive  expertise  and  proven  track  record   and  Woodlawn,  both  in  the  Greater  Ottawa             of  driving  profitable  growth  will  support   area (ON). This will bring to twelve the total
                                             RONA’s ambition of becoming the best home   number of RONA stores owned by the group.
                                             improvement  retailer  in  Canada.  J.P.  Towner   This  acquisition  represents  a  major  step
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