Page 22 - Jan-Feb 2024 Reporter
P. 22
Christian Proulx, RONA
ONA would like to pay tribute to Christian Proulx who
Rpassed away January 6 after a battle with brain cancer.
Christian was a great man who was remarkably involved in
RONA. For a decade, he held the positions of Senior Vice
President, Human Resources and Senior Vice President,
Communications and Sustainability. He was also involved
with the RONA Foundation for many years. Christian was a
source of inspiration, and he leaves behind many colleagues in
addition to his wife, two daughters and five grandchildren.
The LBMAO Board of Directors and staff also wish to extend
heartfelt condolences to the Proulx family as well as to his
friends and colleagues.
...MTO continued of the driver’s operation. flexibility if you are driving outside the range
This means that you need to have an if you are unloaded, going to a service site
the range. They may only need to go outside operational ELD in each truck if you operate and can document the previous 14 days
of this range 2-4 times per year but what outside the 160 km zone. worth of travel and time in service. We have
do they need to do to make sure they are Our LBMAO dealers who have delivery those paper forms available to purchase at
complying? fleets often spend more of their time loading, the LBMAO. They cost between $4.95 and
I recently had a discussion with a MTO unloading, and working in the yard than they $8.95 per booklet.
enforcement officer who explained that the spend on the roads. Many dealers have told The LBMAO believes that there should
only exceptions to the ELD rules were the six me that they are not trucking companies but be some consideration for operators who
outlined above. I asked about the dealer in a a lumber and building material retailers or leave the 160km zone on rare instances as
rural area, who only delivers within the 160 suppliers who have delivery fleets. has been done in the United States. We will
km range from their store but needs to go work with Transport Canada, the Ministry
outside that range to take their trucks to the Follow up and Recommendations: of Transport, and the Ontario Trucking
service depot. I was told that they would not Based on all the discussions I have had Association to get this exemption which is
need to have the ELD records for the previous with all parties involved the recommendation already available in the US. Until that time,
14 days but would need to have a ELD device would be to have a functioning ELD device in our recommendation is that you are careful in
operating on the day they drove outside the any truck that operates outside of the 160km your delivery planning and get the ELD device
allotted range. In addition, they would need distance from your home base. It appears for drivers who require that range.
to have a paper record (the old RODS) logs that the MTO might be willing to have some
that used to be used for the previous 14 days
INDEX TO ADVERTISERS LBMAO Plumbing & Electrical Training ...........................................19
Nicholson and Cates Limited ................................inside back cover
Atlas Polar ......................................................................................................5 Nu-Forest Products (Canada) Inc. .........................................................9
BIK Hydraulics Ltd .......................................................................................9 Polytarp Products ................................................................................................13
Castle Building Centres Group ..........................outside back cover Sellick Equipment ...............................................................................................11
LBMAO Estimating Training ....................................................................7 Sexton Group .........................................................................inside front cover
22 LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2024