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hree-quarters of Canadians feel their employers should address can measure uptake and explain why they’re doing so. Employers can
Tmental health struggles at work, but a majority of those who work use data to identify common health risks among the employee base,
at small- and medium-sized firms don’t offer mental health support. 2 as well as consider the correlation between their physical and mental
With data showing mental health of Canadians is stagnant or health.
getting worse, employers need to consider what they can do to It’s also essential that employers talk to employees to learn what
improve their employees’ mental wellbeing. Ignoring the issue stressors are affecting their mental health — and how to help them.
will cause problems that can affect overall wellness, culture and Employers can use the data and insights to develop a story that informs
productivity in the workplace. employee benefits and how organizational leaders talk about mental
Employers often want to help but have no strategy. Storytelling is health.
one way to make a strategy come to life. When an organization shares
its own narrative on mental health awareness, it shines a much-needed Train, coach and identify are key to strategy and part of the story
spotlight on a topic that’s often kept in the shadows. It shows that the An employee who may be an excellent manager may lack the skills
organization champions the mental wellbeing of its employees, as well to help employees find help for mental health issues. Organizations
as provides unwavering support, resources and understanding. Here’s can provide training focused on how managers can identify people
how: in need and coach managers on how to speak with them. A complete
strategy builds on the benefits and training already available, including
Tell an organizational story about mental health in the workplace programs to raise awareness for support programs like employee
Organizations can convey why their employees’ mental health is recognition programs and return-to-work plans. It should include
important to them and how they follow through with their support. ongoing assessments to support employees’ mental health in the
Build the story from such talking points as: future.
• Understanding – Recognize the challenges workers face, the strains An organization that trains managers and builds a strategy for
and stressors that may affect their lives, such as money, health, improving mental health in the workplace is part of telling the story.
personal issues – and work. Letting employees know that leadership is taking this challenge
• Communicating – Show a specific strategy regarding mental seriously — and informing them through targeted communications —
health issues via strong and frequent communication; provide tells a story of compassion, investment in people and the importance
informational guides, fact sheets and web-based resources. of wanting employees to be happy and healthy.
• Evolving – Emphasize that support is ongoing and evolving to HUB International’s Health Consulting team consults with
improve; demonstrate with an example, such as a past one-off employers of all sizes and in all industries on every aspect of
benefit that wasn’t well-received by employees to the current one healthcare planning and management.
that accommodates more employees and their mental health needs.
1 Benefits Canada, “75% of Canadians want employers to address mental-health
Start with data to explain the story problems at work: survey,” March 25, 2022.
Organizations can begin telling their stories with data. By analyzing 2 HR Reporter, “Many employers not offering mental health resources,” March 25,
major offerings – such as short- and long-term disability coverage, 3 Health Canada, Mental Health Research Canada, “Understanding the Mental
employee and family assistance programs, and pharmaceuticals – they Health of Canadians through COVID-19 and Beyond: Poll #15,” February 2023.
8 LBMAO Reporter - September-October 2023