Page 4 - Mar-Apr 23 Reporter
P. 4


                                                     SPRING IS IN

                                                     THE AIR

                                                     rebecca gravelle

                                                     LBMAO Chair
                                                     Wood Works of Renfrew Ltd, Renfrew

           s  winter  hopefully  comes  to  an  end  soon,  and  spring   but hopefully we were all able to take a bit of time on this day
        Astarts  to  bloom,  I  hope  you  are  all  able  to  take  a  moment   to  recognize  our  female  staff  &  coworkers,  customers,  clients,
        to  appreciate  the  beauty  of  the  changing  seasons!  Typically   suppliers, community members and more for their contributions.
        business  starts  to  pick  up  now  too,  which  is  great.  But  in  my   As  a  young  woman,  who  employs  a  staff  that  is  almost  50%
        area,  storms,  and  then  snow  melts,  and  then  more  snow  again   women,  I  wanted  to  take  a  moment  to  acknowledge  ALL  the
        has been wreaking a bit of havoc on our stores and it’s looking   amazing ladies in this industry who continue to provide guidance
        like one will need a new septic system and one may need a new   and  inspiration  to  the  rest  of  us.  I’m  so  proud  that  we  have  a
        roof, or at least some major repairs. The joys of being a business   female Chair and Vice-Chair currently on our Board, and I thank
        owner,  am  I  right?!  But  this  really  is  such  a  wonderful  time  of   Vice-Chair  Barb  Schering  for  her  ongoing  commitment  to  the
        year though, and the longer days and warmer weather have me   Association and her encouragement of me personally!
        looking to even brighter days ahead.                      Looking  ahead  to  the  rest  of  the  year;  like  I  said  in  my  last
           March  is  certainly  going  to  be  an  exciting  time!  For  me   column, I don’t really know what to expect but I am optimistic.
        personally, I’ll be heading down to Nashville for Castle’s AGM at   This  January  and  February  were  more  like  the  Januarys  and
        the end of the month, so I’m very excited for that. And for the   Februarys of years past for my stores, a little quiet but still lots
        Association, March will also see us hosting our own AGM. By the   of  buzz  and  estimates  are  rolling  in  for  Spring  projects.  We’re
        time you receive this issue the AGM may have happened already;   cleaning our yards, doing staff training, and making the best of
        but I’m sure it will be another successful event! On March 23rd   this time. We’ve got some big projects slated for the Spring and
        at  2pm,  we’ll  be  hosting  a  hybrid  format  meeting.  Members   Summer and can’t wait.
        will  be  attending  in  person  at  the  Hilton  Garden  Inn  Toronto/  As always, those of us on the LBMAO Board and the staff in the
        Mississauga, as well as via Zoom. Looking forward to seeing you   office are here to help in anyway we can, so feel free to reach out
        there,  whether  in  person  or  online.  The  Board  is  really  hoping   to us anytime. I’m sending you all warm wishes for a bright and
        to be able to add more to our in-person event for next year and   prosperous Spring, and hope to see some of you soon!
        get back to an event more like what we had pre-Covid! Thanks so
        much to Joanne, Trevor, and the rest of the staff (but especially   Until then, Cheers!
        Joanne!) for all their hard work to put this event together.   Rebecca
           We’ve  also  got  a  lot  of  our  regular  training  programs
        scheduled  for  March,  so  hopefully  our  retailer  members  have
        been able to take advantage of some of those. This also includes
        adding  our  Estimating:  Residential  Construction,  Advanced
        Forum back to the docket which is very exciting.
           There  is  another  important  date  I  wanted  to  highlight  for
        March  and  that’s  March  8th  which  is  International  Women’s
        Day.  This  day  may  mean  different  things  to  different  people,

        4  LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2023                                               
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