Page 6 - Lumber-Building - Reporter Magazine NovDec24
P. 6


                                                     WHAT DOES 2025 AND

                                                     BEYOND HOLD FOR THE


                                                     TREVOR SMALL
                                                     LBMAO President

           s I sit down to write this our industry is in a state of turmoil. For   forecast for the coming year and beyond. Peter is a recognized expert
        Amost suppliers and retailers in Ontario 2024 has not been a year   in  land  economics  and  forecasting,  and  he  is  frequently  featured  in
        to  remember.  Our  industry  has  had  several  hugely  successful  years   Canadian media. He believes that 2025 will be an improvement for
        coming  out  of  the  pandemic  and  all  those  who  have  been  in  the   most over 2024 in our industry. Interest rate cuts should revive a soft
        industry long enough knew that we could not continue without having   housing market eventually. Mortgage rates peaked in October 2023
        a down year at some point.                             and  that  will  help  homeowners  who  are  facing  or  have  faced  huge
           The Canadian economy has been very resilient.  Even when the US   increases  in  their  payments  when  renewing  their  mortgages.  He
        economy struggled in 2008 and 2009, we continued, a bit slower but   cautioned  that  there  is  only  tepid  support  for  the  economy.  Expect
        still growing. Canada has had a strong housing sector for over a decade   a  2%  growth  in  GDP  with  sharply  lower  employment  growth.  The
        and with the number of new people coming to Canada construction   construction labour market is already in tight supply, but it should be
        and building trades flourished. Until this year.       able to adjust to the modest housing increase in the upcoming year.
           The  combination  of  higher  interest  rates,  high  land  costs,  huge   Peter  predicts  the  biggest  issue  in  housing  for  2025  will  be  in  the
        development  taxes  and  fees  have  all  conspired  to  throw  a  wrench   greater Toronto market. Supply issues in the GTA will have a longer
        into an industry that supports many jobs and feeds a lot of families.   effect on things. In the GTA new home sales have fallen dramatically
        All these factors have combined to make Canadian housing increasing   since  mid  2022.  He  forecasts  that  apartment  sales  in  2025  will  be
        unaffordable to the average Canadian.                  lower than single family homes. That has not happened in a number
           The  lumber  and  building  materials  industry  in  Ontario  functions   of years. There will be a shift from rental market to single family. There
        due  to  two  large  factors,  construction  of  new  home  as  well  as  the   is  a  need  for  40,000  new  housing  units  (single  family,  multi-family,
        renovation of existing homes. Many of the renovations are done when   and apartments) but in 2024 only about 10,000 units will be added.
        families plan to sell their existing home to make it more attractive to   The condo market will be a definite drag on the housing market in the
        buyers as well as once they move into to a home those buyers renovate   GTA for 2025. The GTA effect will continue to be a drag on the overall
        to make the home feature their taste and fit their needs.  Canadian market for the next few years.
           The sale of newly constructed homes as well as the move-up home
        sales market has been challenging in 2024. This has led to slow sales   Other Forecasts for 2025 and Beyond
        of  materials  for  new  construction  and  renovating.  Both  dealers  and   Canada needs 250,000 to 270,000 new unit starts per year for the
        suppliers that we have spoken with say that they will be happy to end   next decade. This year we are on track for less than 240,000 units. It
        2024 with sales results that look like 2019 (pre-Covid) numbers. Are   will be an Ontario problem for 2025 and into 2026. Outside the GTA
        those the numbers we should be satisfied with matching?  in Ontario we will have a solid single family new home construction
                                                               market.  The  prediction  is  that  we  will  have  10,000  single  family
        Where do we project numbers 2025?                      starts  in  2025.  That  number  would  be  substantially  higher  than  we
           The  fall  Hardlines  conference  had  Peter  Norman,  who  is  a  vice-  experienced in 2024.
        president  and  chief  economist  at  the  Altus  Group,  presenting  his   Renovation  spending  will  continue  to  adjust  since  the  highs  of
                                                                              Message from the President continued on page 21...

        6  LBMAO Reporter - November-December 2024                                         
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