Page 6 - Jan Feb 20 Reporter
P. 6
Message from the PRESIDENT
what you need to know
about first aid training
for your employees
david campbell ur current health and safety programs help Securement to Vehicle inspection. These courses are
LBMAO President Oemployers to meet the Occupational Health and very simple to use and cost effective.
Safety Act requirements in areas such as Harassment At a recent board meeting, it was suggested that
in the Workplace, Lift truck theory, WHMIS and all the we search out training for first aid. The WSIB requires
other mandatory training regulated by the Ministry of that all businesses have at least one trained first aid
Labour in Ontario. These have been well received and attendant on staff. Upon reviewing all the options
utilized by our members. available, St. John Ambulance provided the most
One area that we have been searching for is a comprehensive program in Ontario. Their training
driver safety training platform. The lead article in meets all the needs of our member businesses and
this edition of the Reporter magazine introduces a they facilitate training schedules across the province.
new online format for Driver Training. You will see a In Ontario, what is required under the legislation
complete suite of online training for drivers from Load is:
# of Workers Supplies, Equipment First Aid Certificate
Per Shift and Facility Required for Attendant
1 – 5 Kit No. 1 1 Emergency First Aid
Current Edition of St. John Ambulance First Aid Manual
Form 82 (poster)
Valid first aid certificates of qualification of trained workers on duty
Inspection cards for first aid kits
6-15 Kit No. 2 1 Standard First Aid
Current Edition of St. John Ambulance First Aid Manual
Form 82 (poster)
Valid first aid certificates of qualification of trained workers on duty
Inspection cards for first aid kits
16-200 Kit No. 3 1 Standard First Aid
Current Edition of St. John Ambulance First Aid Manual
Form 82 (poster)
Valid first aid certificates of qualification of trained workers on duty
Inspection cards for first aid kits
One Stretcher, 2 blankets and first aid station
St. John Ambulance’s website provides detailed a solid reputation and the best access for first aid
information on what is required by businesses to training throughout the province. If you are looking
ensure they have the required on duty staff trained in to have employees trained in first aid as per the
first aid; and at what level depending on the number requirements of the WSIB you can access the full
of employees at that business. The courses are held programs offered by St. John Ambulance at: www.sja.
throughout Ontario and cover all aspects of first ca
aid training including Health and Safety Committee Providing a safe working environment and well-
training and first aid requirements. trained employees is not only mandatory but also the
There are other private companies that can right thing to do!
provide training; however, St. John Ambulance has
6 LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2020