Page 8 - Mar-Apr-2020 - Reporter
P. 8
Insurance UPDATE
resilience during a
morneau shepell Editor’s Note: As Morneau Shepell-fgi was unable to provide us with an article for this issue, we are using one that
appeared in a 2016 issue.
he constant news media and health organization • Using community resources or websites to create a
Twarnings of a possible pandemic may cause us family preparedness checklist that you can follow,
to worry about our own and our family’s health and should a pandemic occur in your area.
safety. While it is perfectly normal to be concerned,
there are steps you can take to be prepared to cope Manage your anxiety
with a pandemic should it occur in your community. Most of us will feel some level of anxiety during
a pandemic. This can cause both physical and
Get the facts emotional reactions. To manage your anxiety and
Having the facts and understanding the potential fear, try to put the potential threat or current events
threat is the best defence. in context by keeping a broader, more hopeful
• “Pandemic” is defined as an outbreak of perspective. You can “reframe” your thinking by
disease that occurs over a wide geographic area focusing on your strength and resourcefulness. By
and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the seeing yourself as a survivor, you can boost your
population confidence and accept the situation by concentrating
"A person who is • While it may cause only mild on circumstances that you can control.
Be watchful for physical effects of anxiety, such as
symptoms in most healthy adults,
resilient is able to some viruses can be life-threatening for trouble concentrating or difficulty sleeping. Concern
young children, the elderly or individuals about the pandemic may also intensify the effects of
cope with crisis with chronic illness. other stresses in our daily lives. This can impact your
situations due built-in physical stress response, which may leave you
Keep up-to-date on pandemic status more vulnerable to the virus as well as other health
to behaviours, in your area. Find a reliable source risks. It is therefore important to take care of yourself
thoughts and of information, such as your local and build your resilience.
public health office, the Centers for
actions that they Disease Control and Prevention or the What is resilience?
World Health Organization. Gather Resilience is the ability to effectively cope with,
have learned and information regularly so you can take recover from or adapt to challenging life situations.
developed." appropriate action when necessary. A person who is resilient is able to cope with crisis
situations due to behaviours, thoughts and actions
Develop a plan that they have learned and developed. The steps
If a pandemic spreads to your community, being to building resilience differ from person to person;
prepared can greatly lessen your anxiety. Since a however, some common resilience-building factors
pandemic can last a number of weeks, you may want include having:
to consider: • a positive view of your strengths and abilities
• Stocking up on non-perishable foods, water, • the capacity to make realistic plans and take steps
medicine, etc., in case officials recommend staying to carry them out
home; or you self-isolate due to a family member • the ability to manage strong feelings and impulses
becoming ill • a sense of purpose and long term focus
• Developing a plan for how you would care for sick • a social support network
family members
• Creating an emergency communication plan to Tips for building resilience
keep in touch with other family members or friends We can boost our resilience levels in a number of
if you or they become isolated ways, including the following:
8 LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2020