Page 12 - Mar-Apr-2020 - Reporter
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Industry NEWS

        expertise in building materials. Our goal   news from home hardware       October 31, 2018. Its mission is to encourage
        is  to  be  the  go-to  source  for  all  of  our                         the purchase of quality Canadian-made
        community’s  projects,  and  so  we  are                                  hardware and residential building materials.
        confident that we will reach new heights
        with BMR,” said store co-owner Dave Van                                   Home  Hardware  named  one  of  Canada’s
        Stempvoort.                                                               Best Managed Companies
           “We  are  very  proud  to  welcome                                       Home  Hardware  Stores  Limited  has
        Lambton  Home Building  Centre  to  our                                   been  recognized  for  overall  business
        large  family.  It  is  a  real  privilege  to  be                        performance  and  sustained  growth  with
        able  to  count  on  a  new  company  with   “Well Made Here” Program     the  prestigious Canada’s  Best  Managed
        such  solid  foundations  that  is  led  by   As  a  100%  Canadian  owned  and   Companies  designation.  The  2020  Best
        passionate  and  dedicated  owners  who   operated  company,  Home  Hardware  Managed  program  award  winners  are
        share  our  values  and  vision.  For  us,  our   Stores  Limited  is  proud  to  showcase  the   amongst  the  best-in-class  of  Canadian
        mission  is  clear:  to  bring  our  expertise   Well  Made  Here  program  in  their  stores   owned  and  managed  companies
        for  the  benefit  of  the  entire  team,  as   which  highlights  Canadian  manufactured   demonstrating investment in talent and
        well as the residents of Petrolia and the   products.                     technology,  innovation  in  a  competitive
        surrounding  area,  while  ensuring  that   Leading this Well Made Here model store   environment,  and  an  increased  focus  on
        they  discover  BMR’s  many  advantages,”   initiative are two Home Hardware locations:   global competition.
        said  Pierre  Nolet,  Vice-President  of   Centre  de  Rénovation  Sainte-Marthe-sur-  Now  in  its  27th  year,  Canada’s  Best
        Business Development at BMR Group.   le-Lac in Sainte-Marthe-sur- le-Lac, Québec   Managed  Companies  remains  one  of  the
           Besides  the  exterior  signage,  the   and  Hawkesbury  Lumber  Supply  Company   country’s leading business awards programs
        interior  design  of  the  store  will  be   in Hawkesbury, Ontario.      recognizing Canadian-owned and managed
        completely revamped to showcase a new,   A  major  partner  of  Well  Made  Here,   companies  for  innovative,  world-class
        more  modern  look.  The  store  will  also   Home  Hardware  has  helped  bring  the   business practices. Every year, hundreds of
        change its name to Lambton BMR Pro.  program  to  local  communities  across   entrepreneurial companies compete for this
           The  hardware  store  will  feature  the   Canada. This year, our Dealer Support Centre   designation in a rigorous and independent
        BMR  Pro  banner,  an  iteration  of  the   announced  its  decision  to  test  new  P.O.P.   process  that  evaluates  the  calibre  of  their
        traditional  BMR  banner  developed to   displays  and  end  cap  merchandising  to   management abilities and practices.
        meet  the  needs  of  construction  and   further support the program.      Home    Hardware  Stores  Limited
        renovation  professionals,  as  well  as   “As a Canadian company, we understand   continues  to  demonstrate  the  importance
        seasoned  do-it-yourselfers.  Its  many   our customers appreciate the availability of   of  private  companies  to  the  Canadian
        advantages  include competitive  prices,   Canadian-made products,” said Joel Marks,   economy. Home Hardware has come a long
        a  majority  of  Canadian-made  products,   Vice-President,  Merchandise  Hardlines,  way in the past 56 years, growing from 122
        high-quality  materials  and  a  highly   Home  Hardware  Stores  Limited.  “When   independent  hardware  Dealer-Owners  to
        personalized service.                our  customers  come  into  Home  Hardware   a community that now includes over 1,000
                                             locations  across  the  country  and  see  the   stores.
        About BMR Group Inc.                 Well  Made  Here  logo,  they  know  they  are   “We  are honoured  to  be recognized  for
           BMR Group includes more than 300   purchasing quality items and are supporting   the second consecutive year with Platinum
        home renovation centres and hardware   local entrepreneurs and manufacturers.”  status  as  one  of  Canada’s  Best  Managed
        stores in Quebec, Ontario and the Maritime   Accredited  products  are  hardware  Companies,”  said  Kevin  Macnab,  President
        provinces. BMR Group and its members   articles  or  building  materials  meeting   and  CEO,  Home Hardware  Stores  Limited.
        make an estimated $1.3 billion in annual   prevalent  industry  standards  and  building   “At  Home  Hardware,  we  believe  that
        retail sales and employ nearly 8,000 people   code  rules  currently  in  effect,  possibly   strong  talent  and  culture  is  a  competitive
        in bannered stores. BMR Group is the first   licensed or certified for other accreditations   advantage  and  we  are  proud  to  celebrate
        major Quebec player in the hardware   and  for  which  at  least  51%  of  direct   this  designation  with  our  teams  and  our
        industry and operates under the BMR, La   manufacturing  costs  (materials  and  Dealer owners.”
        Shop BMR, Agrizone and Potvin & Bouchard   labour  work  for  production,  assembly  and   “Businesses  today  are  faced  with  many
        banners.                             packaging) were incurred in Canada.  challenges  and  must  stay  focused  and
                                               The Well Made Here logo will also appear   agile in order to sustain and drive growth.
                                                                                  They  need  to  demonstrate  resilience  and
                                             in  Home  Hardware  print  and  web  flyers   commitment to their people, their purpose
                                             across Canada.                       and  their  competitive  position  in  the
                                             About Well Made Here                 Canadian  business  world  and  this  year’s
                                               Well  Made  Here  is  a  not-for-profit   Best Managed winners are doing just that,”
                                             organization under federal jurisdiction that   said Peter Brown, Partner, Deloitte Private
                                             belongs collectively to the banners and   and  Co-  Leader,  Canada’s  Best  Managed
                                             professional  associations  that  founded  it  on   Companies program. “These companies can
                                                                                  celebrate their accomplishments today, and

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