Page 16 - Mar-Apr-2020 - Reporter
P. 16


                     within the building materials industry

        by Stephen Borer, TalentSphere Staffing Solutions

           he  breadth  and  depth  of  the  building   Long-term  planning  is  also  affected  by   to understand the implications for their own
        Tmaterials  industry  makes  writing  an   the  demographic  makeup  of  the  building   business  whilst  strategic  enough  to  take
        article on ‘leadership’ difficult to be relevant   materials  industry.  It  is  not  wrong  to  say   advantage  of  any  opportunity  they  might
        to  everyone.  For  example,  the  role  of  CEO   that  the  industry  is  dominated  by  white   present.
        of a  global, publicly  traded  manufacturing   males  in  their  50’s  to  60’s;  and  it’s  safe   Technology  continues  to  have  a  large
        business  differs  considerably  from  being   to  suggest that both  of our  hypothetical   impact  on  the  building  supply  industry.
        the owner of a small LBM retail business in   leaders  fall  into  this  category.  This  is  a   ERP  systems,  CRM  systems,  accounting
        a rural community. However, by examining   problem  when  we  consider  succession   systems,  HRIS  systems,  websites,  social
        the similarities instead of focusing on the   options  at  every  level  of  the  organization.   media  and  others  are  all  changing  and
        differences of these roles, we are hopefully   Where  is  our  next  generation  of  leaders?   evolving.  Every  organization  across  the
        able to draw conclusions that are applicable   Where  is  our  next  generation  of  workers?    industry  is  having  to  adapt  and  adjust  to
        across  the  industry  in  defining  what  good   With  the  changing  demographic  of  the   realise the opportunities presented by each
        leadership looks like.               workforce  in  Canada  and  without  an   of these innovations. The leaders of building
           Both of our hypothetical leaders will be   industry  that  is  attractive  to  everyone   materials  businesses  might  not  need  to
        facing similar challenges.           regardless  of  sex,  race  or  age,  we  cannot   be  able  to  write  code,  but  they  certainly
           The soft housing market in Canada is one   expect  to  continue  to  build  successful   must  understand  technology  well  enough
        such  challenge.  2019  seems  to  have  been   businesses in the future.   to  know  what  and  how  to  leverage  the
        better  than  many  predicted  at  the  turn  of   The  structure  of  the  industry  advantage that technology can provide.
        the year, and 2020 seems to be starting with   domestically  also  seems  to  be  presenting   When   you   add   business   specific
        a little more optimism. However, no one is   challenges  for  many  leaders  as  it  rapidly   challenges  involving  people,  processes,
        predicting  a  return  to  the  boom  times  yet   changes. Buying groups are becoming more   customers,  machinery,  geography,  unions,
        and we still look enviously at the US market,   aggressive both in attracting new members   branding,  local  economy,  competition
        which seems to continue with aplomb.  With   and  in  the  ways  that  they  are  looking  to   and  suppliers,  etc.,  you  realise  the  great
        the world seemingly less stable than it has   negotiate  with  suppliers.  Building  Code  is   demands  that  rest  on  the  shoulders  of
        been for years, long-term planning is for all   changing allowing new and faster types of   leadership  within  our  industry.  If  the
        leaders  incredibly  challenging,  especially   construction which has knock on effects on   industry  is  to  continue  to  be  successful,
        now with the severe impact on our economy   the supply of building products. Our leaders   it  needs  leaders  that  can  handle  these
        from the COVID-19 Virus.”            need to be close enough to these changes   ongoing  challenges  and  that  are  able  to
        16  LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2020                                              
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