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Message from the CHAIR

                              the pandemic continues and

                              so does the building craze

             RON SCHELL          eptember  18th 2020 –  the  due  date  for   The crazy thing now is that people want
        Schell Home Hardware   Smy  article  in  the  LBMAO Reporter  (oh,  to get going on the bigger projects; like say
           Building Centre,   it  comes  so  quickly)  –  and  my  mom’s  90th  a house addition or a garage - or both of the
           Stouffville, ON    birthday!  I  tried to call  her  but  no answer.  above  -  and  the  problem  is  we  don’t have
                              Maybe  she  can’t  hear  the telephone ring,  certain  materials  like  1/2  spruce  plywood;
                              but  she  sure  hears  everything  else  that I  and of course quotations are way off due to
                              say. My dad turns 90 in December which will  price increases. I told my guys that instead
                              probably be the next time I write an article.  of  the  usual  30  day  quotation  time,  maybe
                              He is still working 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., 4 days a  7 minutes would be good. Get what you can
                                        week  upstairs  in  the  office  with  because  it  changes  by  the  minute  (and  so
                                        my  two sisters,  Judy  and  Janet,  do the  prices).  When they  came  in  before
                     "...instead of the   my daughter Sarah and my niece  the pandemic for pressure treated, I used to
                                        Melissa. Which is the main reason  invoice it and send them to the yard with a
                         usual 30 day   I  stay  downstairs  on  the  store  packing slip. Now I send them directly to the
                     quotation time,  floor - I am the Walmart greeter.  yard  to see  what we have in  stock. By the
                    maybe 7 minutes     Also,  with  my  dad  still  working it  way my yard is a lot busier than before.
                                        makes it tough to retire (although   We have to keep moving on.  Remember
                      would be good.   a lot of my friends have).  I think  to  treat  the  people  you  work  with
                    Get what you can    it would make me look bad...      respectfully as  they  are the  reason
                                          We  are  now into fall/autumn;  your company  is  where it  is.  And I  hope
                  because it changes    why  are  there two names  for  everyone’s  mother  lives  to  the  age  of
                  by the minute (and    one  season?  Summer,  winter  90. I  want to be  95 and  shot by  a  jealous
                                        and  spring  only  have  one  name.  husband.  If  you  can  be  95  and  make
                   so do the prices.)"
                                        Anyway,  what’s  up  for  fall?  I  someone jealous, you are doing okay.
                                        hope  not  a  second wave  of  the
                                        pandemic...  I’ve  just  gotten  used
                                        to  going  to  restaurants  again.
                              The mask  wearing  all  day really  sucks. You
                              couldn’t understand  half  of  the customers
                              before the mask; so with the mask - forget
                              it. But if this helps the world get out of this
                              pandemic, I am good with it. And I do look
                              better with a mask on.

        4  LBMAO Reporter - September-October 2020                                         
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