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Industry NEWS
orgill's e-volution online buying “Because this is the first time we have Market.”
For vendors like Daniel Kautz of
event's successful debut ever held an event like this, we weren’t quite Milwaukee Tool, the Online Buying Event
sure what to expect,” says Boyden Moore,
Orgill’s president and CEO. “Now that it’s was a positive experience. “This year’s
over, I can say that we couldn’t be more Online Buying Event served as a terrific
pleased with the results. While we knew showcase for us just as the fall show always
this event could not replace the entire live does,” Kautz says. “From a functionality
Orgill Dealer Market experience, based on standpoint, the platform allowed for very
the results it was clear that customers and flexible schedule management and allowed
vendors embraced the concept.” our team to maximize time spent with
In fact, Orgill reports that buying dealers. The Online Buying Event was a
activity during e-Volution far exceeded the wonderful investment of resources and one
Orgill, Inc. has completed its first-ever results of any previous dealer market in the that we’ll be happy to support in the future.”
e-Volution Online Buying Event, which company’s history including last fall’s live The decision to develop and hold the
brought nearly ten thousand retailers event. e-Volution Online Buying Event came in
together with many of the industry’s “We knew going into the virtual event May when safety precautions surrounding
top vendors and service providers in a that it would offer an opportunity for even the COVID-19 outbreak prompted Orgill to
completely virtual environment. more of our retail customers to attend cancel its in-person Fall Dealer Market that
The event ran from August 24 through because we removed the requirement had been scheduled for August 27-29 in Las
September 4 and was open to Orgill’s of them having to physically travel Vegas.
entire retail customer base, enabling to the show,” says Greg Stine, Orgill’s “There were a number of factors that led
them to take advantage of promotional Executive Vice President of Marketing us to this decision, including an abundance
buying opportunities; shop for seasonal and Communications. “And that’s exactly of caution as it related to the safety of our
merchandise; and browse through what happened. The Online Buying Event employees, customers and vendors; as
thousands of new products without ever engaged a much higher percentage of our well as consideration for how a market
having to leave their stores. customers than we’ve ever seen at a Dealer would function in an atmosphere where
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