Page 18 - Jan-Feb 2021 Reporter - web optimized
P. 18
"...looking ahead to post COVID life...I expect that the travel industry will benefit more this time
around. In fact, I believe that the discretionary spending budgets of our consumers will once
again be divided across the economy."
Paul Sharpe, VP Sales, RONA Guelph (W. Filsinger & Sons Limited)
want to go through this again but if we ever
had a similar situation, then it follows that
we could go straight into ‘Execution Mode’
without having to reinvent anything.
I might sound overly conservative
relative to others in our industry, but I want
to proceed cautiously this time around.
Looking back to last spring when the
economy began reopening, there was some
pent-up demand amongst consumers; and
this was further fuelled by government
stimulus. Compounding this situation was
the fact that the discretionary spending
budget of the consumers was no longer
divided with travel and vacations abroad.
There is no doubt in my mind that our
industry benefited from this phenomenon.
Now looking ahead to post COVID life
following the distribution of vaccines, I
expect that the travel industry will benefit
Paul started his home improvement and optimized our Multi-Store Group by more this time around. In fact, I believe that
industry career in his home province balancing stock across stores. Little did we the discretionary spending budgets of our
of British Columbia, working first for know that there was going to be a demand consumers will once again be divided across
Lumberland which was then acquired by surge beginning in May which was quickly the economy.
Revelstoke who then sold to RONA. With a followed by supply chain shortages. With This has been a notable challenge for all
strong background in the BC marketplace, the benefit of hindsight today, there is no of us. Moreover, it is likely a growing concern
Paul took the position of Regional VP for doubt that we would have played offence. now with the notion of ‘COVID Fatigue’
Rona. He was then transferred to the Regardless, with the information that we setting in. On a formal basis, our company
position of VP of Central operations in had during that scary period, we have no introduced an ‘Employee Appreciation
Ontario where he remained when Lowes regrets. By the end of 2020, we were very Bonus’ for 2020 to financially assist our
acquired RONA. satisfied with our financial performance. team members through COVID. I believe
Paul then was recruited by Wayne However, we continue to ask ourselves, that this was important since there were
Filsinger, a well-respected former Beaver ‘What could we have achieved’? so many people who were employed in
store manager/owner in Guelph. Paul The second lockdown has gone much industries such as hospitality which were
took over the day-to-day operation of this more smoothly. There was no need to devastated by the pandemic. There is no
vibrant retailer as President. Paul respects reinvent processes. Rather, once we heard doubt that this situation impacted our team
and appreciates Wayne’s experience and about the Wave #2 Lockdown, our team members’ families. However, on an informal
guidance and they have proven to be a great was able to reorganize the flex space on basis, we realized that everyone’s situation
team. the sales floor, assemble temporary racks is different. I heard a saying that, “We are all
In response to the questions, Paul and then organize them alphabetically in the same storm right now, but we’re each
provides the following insights: “Well, 2020 for customer orders. Essentially the team in different boats facing different realities.” I
certainly was a challenging year! Building shifted into their previous roles from the like that quote since it so perfectly describes
supply stores were challenged with both the spring lockdown and got to work the next our current environment. On that note, our
risk of business uncertainty as well as the day. As a result of the robust sales in 2020, leadership team recognized that we must
constantly evolving operational regulations. they realized a considerable increase in be flexible for each of our employee’s needs.
With respect to the 2020 performance, our inventory valuation due to the inflationary In some cases, this meant allowing people
approach to managing through the first increases in commodities. to take time off to self-isolate and stay safe;
lockdown was to play defence and protect Absolutely the protocols, policies as whereas in other cases it required us to be
our balance sheet. Therefore, we were well as our COVID Safety Plan have all been flexible with our schedules so that parents
very conservative with our order quantities updated, posted, and saved. Not that I ever could juggle their childcare needs.”
18 LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2021