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"...stores and employees implemented a smooth transition into the second lockdown as the
protocols were already in place for phone and online service, as well as a
responsive curbside pick up program."
y the time you get this edition of the 1. 2020 was a difficult year, not only 4. 2021 has started with the challenge
BReporter magazine we will have been due to the impact of the pandemic of pandemic management in our
in the throes of the COVID-19 Pandemic but also how to predict the economic businesses like early spring last year.
for a full year. Adapting to the new normal impact of it on our businesses. Last This will have a negative impact on
has been challenging; however the home March we would never have predicted store sales; but once the impact of
improvement/building supply sector has the rebound in the renovation the COVID-19 virus has been reduced
weathered the harsh implications on and construction market. How through the vaccine now being
business and the economy fairly well. Due did your company fare during this distributed, will the economy and, in
to the significant increase in COVID-19 unprecedented demand for home particular, the home renovation sector
cases since the Christmas season, the renovation products? bounce back as robustly as it did last
provincial government has initiated another 2. Curbside pick up, managing social year?
“State of Emergency” lockdown returning to distancing and wearing face masks 5. Many of our member businesses have
the procedures implemented on businesses in your business became the norm indicated to us that one of the biggest
last spring. during the early days of the pandemic. challenges during the past year has
So how is this current situation Now that we are in the second phase been supporting their employees
impacting our members and how do they of the COVID-19 pandemic, how has through the emotional and financial
forecast the future once we roll out of your company been able to react and impact of the virus. Daycare, reduced
the current lockdown and move forward re-introduce the protocols required by hours, and the stress of having to
with vaccinations to mitigate the effects the provincial government? deal with the health risks related
of the virus? We went to several member 3. Have you documented the protocols to COVID-19 were real concnerns.
companies as well as key business for pandemic management for How did your company manage this
development people who work with their future potential recurrences into your important support function for your
members on a day-to-day basis to ask them company Health and Safety policies? employees?
some key questions:
Matthew Presz -Retail Sales Manager, Turkstra Lumber
horseshoe area with their head office customers.
based in the Stoney Creek/Hamilton area. In response to the second question,
Matthew works with all the branches and Matthew indicated his pleasure on how
has a feel for the day-to-day operational his stores and employees implemented
challenges. a smooth transition into the second
In response to the questions asked of lockdown as the protocols were already in
him, he was forthright with his responses place for phone and online service, as well
regarding the past year’s sales. Turkstra, as a responsive curbside pick up program.
like all our home improvement members, Although they could facilitate drop-in
experienced an almost total shutdown in business with a “gatekeeper” to ensure
early March and into April of last year but, customers were attended to if they were
as with most of our members, enjoyed a waiting at the front doors, they strongly
remarkable comeback with strong sales and encouraged their customers to place their
margins throughout 2020. They were quick orders ahead by telephone or email to
to adapt to the protocols of the pandemic ensure that waiting times and customer
and instituted a curbside pick up program service did not suffer.
supported by well trained and responsive As with most retail during the lockdown,
phone and online response to ensure the debit, charge, or credit was strongly
best customer service they could provide encouraged over cash transactions. When
This chain of 11 retail branches, a mill under the circumstances. As well, best asked how they dealt with customers
and a truss plant with 270 employees practices were shared between branches who did not (or were reluctant to) wear a
is focused on the contractor, retail, and and manufacturing with a strong emphasis mask, they left it to the discretion of the
commercial business in the golden on a safe workplace for their staff and store manager. Those customers were LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2021 15