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Industry NEWS

        and  family.  Employee  evaluations  also                afa forest       Development and into a new role as the Vice
        included other employers in their respective                              President  of  Eastern  Operations.  Angelo’s
        industries that stood out either positively or          products inc.     expertise  and  guidance  will  help  drive
        negatively.                                              promotes         strategic  growth  and  optimization  for  all
             To   learn  more  about  career                                      Eastern branch locations.
        opportunities  at  Home  visit  www.                    growth from                                        within, expands    Phil Pasechnik,  Lumber  Buyer  at  our
                                                              leadership team     Edmonton  location, will be  moving  into  a
        About Home Hardware Stores Limited                                        new role as National Lumber Coordinator for
           Home Hardware Stores Limited is Canada’s              nationwide       AFA  Forest  Products  Inc.  This  position  will
        largest Dealer-owned hardware, lumber,                                    be key in continuing to grow AFA’s thriving
        building materials, and furniture home                                    lumber logistics and distribution division
        improvement retailer with close to 1,050
        stores under the Home Hardware, Home   AFA  Forest  Products  Inc.  is  pleased  to   by  bringing  enhanced  coordination  and
        Building Centre, Home Hardware Building   announce the following changes within the   structure to our organization.
        Centre and Home Furniture banners. Founded   company effective January 1st, 2021.
        in 1964 in rural St. Jacobs, Ontario, Home                                  Each  of  the  individuals  promoted
        Hardware  remains  100%  Canadian  owned   Mike Park, who has been with our company   from  within  have  been  exemplary
        and  operated.  Through  the  Home  Hardware   since  2016  and  until  now  has  been  the   representations  of  AFA  Forest  Products’
        network, Dealer-Owners have extensive   Director  of  National  Commodities,  will  be   core  pillars  of  success.  They  are  Easy  to
        distribution and marketing capabilities as well   moving  into  a  new  role  as  Vice  President   Deal  With,  provide  Super  Service  and  work
        as access to thousands of quality, brand name   of  National  Commodities.  In  this  new   with Honesty and Integrity. We wish Mike,
        and private label products. Home Hardware   role,  Mike  will  be  overseeing  commodity   Angelo and Phil all the success in their newly
        Stores Limited has received designation   strategy and distribution at all of our branch   appointed roles and congratulate them on
        as one of Canada’s Best Brands and Best   locations across Canada.        their achievements.
        Managed Companies and is committed to
        helping Canadians with all of their project   Angelo Campagna,  also  with  AFA  Forest   About AFA Forest Products Inc.
        needs. More information about the company   Products  since  2016,  will  be  moving   AFA Forest Products  Inc. has been a
        is available at     from  his  position  as  Director  of  Strategic   leader in Canada’s commodity and allied

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