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Industry NEWS

        products distribution  industry  since  1974.  A   centre  that  offers  a  full-service  home   provided  by  Beacon/Dealers  Choice,  to
        proudly 100% Canadian owned and operated   improvement experience to the community   benefit  Ontario  dealers  in  this  extremely
        company, AFA Forest Products Inc. spans from   and  local  area.  Owners,  Phil  &  Lauri  Mayer   competitive market.
        coast to coast with 13 branch locations to   believe exceptional service and competitive   You  can  reach  him  at  416.578.3869  or
        serve their customers.               pricing  is  the  key  to  success  in  the  home
                                             improvement business and were discontent
                                             with  the  product  assortment  and  level  of
                 news from castle            support with their former group. They were   bob holmes retired -
                                             looking for a member-centered relationship   new president appointed
                                             and the opportunity for more buying power.
                                               “Joining the Castle buying group gives us
                                             the strength of one of the largest building
                                             materials  buying  groups  in  Canada.  This
                                             translates  into  more  competitive  prices
                                             for our valued customers and allows us to
                                             remain independent and continue to focus
        Castle Growth Continues Nationwide   on  our  community’s  needs.”  Lauri  Mayer,
           In  December,  Castle  Building  Centres   Owner
        Group  announced  another  new  member   The  store  will  undergo  some  new
        location,  this  time  in  Western  Canada.   branding  and  the  management  team  is   TORBSA Limited announced the retirement
        Hayduk Lumber & Hardware Ltd is located   excited to begin a new chapter. They look   of  Bob  Holmes,  General  Manager  of
        in Calmar, Alberta in the heart of Alberta’s   forward  to  greater  success  as  a  Castle   TORBSA, at their Annual Meeting last June.
        agriculture  and  oil  field  industries  offering   dealer.              Bob  was  responsible  for  the  leadership  of
        the  very  best  of  the  Alberta  Advantage.   “Castle’s  business  model  is  focused  on   the group for 26 years.
        Owner  Brent  Hayduk  is  very  proud  of  the   the future success of our members, above   He has been replaced by Paul Williams,
        store’s  heritage.  Originally  established   all else. Independents have a choice when   President.  Board  Member Greg  Drouillard
        almost  90  years  ago  by  his  father,  Brent   it  comes  to  their  buying  group  and  they   said:  “With  the  hiring  of  Paul  Williams,  it
        took  ownership  40  years  ago  and  has   know they can count on Castle. We welcome   means exciting times for TORBSA to be in
        built a thriving business that people in the   Mayer Hardware & Building Supplies to the   transition mode for more growth, with the
        community have come to know and trust.   Castle Family.” Ken Jenkins, Castle President  beginning of a new era”.
           Brent felt that his current buying group                                 Paul  was  most  recently  Regional
        was  more  focused  on  head  office  growth                              Manager,  Ontario,  for  CGC  Inc.  and  had
        than  member  growth,  so  he  decided  to   dealers choice appoints new   previously  spent  8  years  with  Owens
        explore  his  options.  “When  comparing                                  Corning  Canada,  running  their  National
        buying groups, I recalled hearing a lot of   outside sales rep in ontario  Accounts for Canada.
        really great things about the Castle buying                                 Paul can be reached at:
        group; I knew they would be more focused                                    TORBSA  Limited thanks  you for  your
        on my business.” Brent Hayduk, Owner                                      continued  support  and  looks  forward  to
           Hayduk  Lumber  &  Hardware  is  a  full-                              future successes.
        service  lumber,  building  materials  and
        hardware  centre  serving  consumers  and
        the  local  industry.  Their  move  to  Castle
        will  begin  with  a  re-branding  of  the  store       Bob McDonald has        AND NOW FOR SOMETHING
        and the potential to add to their existing              been   appointed        COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!
        product assortment.                                     as    the   new
           “Castle’s  business  model  is  focused  on          Outside    Sales
        the future success of our members, above                Representative          LBMAO VIRTUAL ANNUAL
        all else. We understand what our members                for       Dealers          GENERAL MEETING
        need  to  be  profitable  and  successful,  and         Choice  in  Ontario.
        they  know  they  can  count  on  Castle.  We           Many  of  you  will   We  are  hosting  our  first  virtual
        welcome Hayduk Lumber & Hardware to the                 recognize  Bob  as   Annual  General  Meeting  March  11,
        Castle family.” Ken Jenkins, Castle President           he  is  a  true  “lifer”   2021 at 2:00 pm.
                                                                in  the  lumber  and
        Castle Growth Continues Into New Year                   building  materials    Members  should  have  received
           On  the  heels  of  an  unprecedented,               industry.  He brings   the  notice,  along with  the  proxy
        record-breaking  year,  Castle  is  pleased             to  Beacon/Dealers   which they should return if they are
        to  announce  a  new  member  location   Choice a lifetime of experience in LBM retail,   unable to attend the Zoom meeting.
        in  Ontario.  Mayer  Hardware  &  Building   distribution  as  well  as  the  manufacturing   If you wish to attend the meeting,
        Supplies,  located  in  the  town  of  Sioux   sector.                      please advise  Joanne Moquin at 905-
        Narrows,  Ontario  and  nestles  on  the  east   Employers  and  customers  alike  have   625-1084 x17 or jmoquin@lbmao.
        shore of Lake of the Woods, is the newest   found him open, honest and hardworking. so that an invitation can be sent
        LBM retailer to join the Castle group.   Bob  hopes  to  use  his  acquired  skills  and   to you.
           Mayer  Hardware  &  Building  Supplies  is   experience,  along  with  the  great  tools
        a  retail  hardware  and  home  improvement
        12  LBMAO Reporter - January-February 2021                                         
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