Page 4 - Mar-Apr 21 - Reporter - web optimized
P. 4
Message from the CHAIR
here we go again!
RON SCHELL ome sort of a lockdown again...really, really tired body only, I’d better wear pants, which I did. Lynn also
Schell Home Hardware Sof this. I know you all are too. Getting my shot wore pants. Old Dave had his sweat pants on. I think
he was the smart one. I did tell the board about this,
in a week; I hope it is a shot in the head with a 2x4,
Building Centre, just to knock some sense into me and make sense they seemed to think it was funny. If you do need
Stouffville, ON of all of this...anyway, enough about Covid-19/20/21 information about the meeting or whatever, please
(hopefully not 22). contact the LBMAO.
Hey, I just remembered our 100th anniversary I don’t know which is worse, higher prices or
of Schell Lumber is next year, April 8th 2022. My inventory problems. Sometimes it is both. Customers
grandfather at the age of 25 years old started Schell don’t know what to do - build new or wait. I am
Lumber (back then it was the Stouffville Planing Mill). getting tired of the question “When are the prices
I actually have the original bank book going down?” I answer back with, “If I knew that I
"I am getting tired “Standard Bank of Canada” which merged wouldn’t be here talking to you. I would be in the
with the “Imperial Bank of Canada” in Bahamas on a beach with a fancy drink in my hand”.
of the question, 1927. Now it is the CIBC which we still One thing that we have to do now is instead of
"When are the deal with daily. We are also still in the guaranteeing prices for a month, it is now 7 minutes.
original building at 33 Edward Street 7 minutes, yeah. In other words, decide right now
prices going and our mill shop is still operational with what you want to do because I don’t know what
down?" I answer equipment dating back to 1878 when tomorrow will bring.
the building was first built. It opened Prices of homes and cottages are way up;
with, "If I knew up as a door and sash manufacturing especially now that people who are working remotely
that I wouldn't company which we still do to this day. are moving out of the city to many of your locations.
We have expanded (yes, I put on a few Remember to speak slowly when talking to them.
be here talking to pounds) but it’s very impressive to see, They are not the brightest as they waited for a
you. I would be in so drop in any time and hopefully this pandemic to move out of the city.
Summer is on its way, trailer parks on book, golf
Covid-19/20/21 is done by then so we
the Bahamas on a can have a party. I’ve said enough about courses will be busy and cottages will be filled. People
the pandemic. need something to do. I know it’s coming because
beach with a fancy We had our virtual AGM which stands my neighbours are tearing down our 45’x80’ ice rink
drink in my hand." for “Another Great Meeting”. The zoom today. I supply the material, water and electricity.
works ok. I believe thanks go to Carolyn They supply the labour - installing, manufacturing
for operating the controls. We have two new board and tearing it down. Works well, a lot of people used
members; Rebecca Wichers-Schreur of Woodworks it this year.
of Renfrew Ltd and Michelle Wood of Johns Manville I really hope everyone is doing well. At least we are
Canada Inc. Thank you for stepping up. If you want open. I wouldn’t want to be a restaurant, bar or a hair
to become Chair, please, please let us know. Dave salon etc. I really feel for these businesses so support
Campbell, Lynn Edey and I met at the Stouffville Inn them when you can. Looking forward to happier days.
(which I told my wife was the first time I’ve ever been Take care!
in there). Started the meeting with - what a great
blast last night’s party was and tonight will be the
gala blast in the Stouffville Inn ballroom. There is no
ballroom at the Stouffville Inn...I don’t even think
there is a bar. If there was, Dave, Lynn and I would
have found it. When I was getting ready I thought
that even though the camera focuses on your upper
4 LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2021