Page 6 - Mar-Apr 21 - Reporter - web optimized
P. 6
Message from the PRESIDENT
doing what we do best!
david campbell e have had many calls in to our office asking IF YOU WANT YOUR EMPLOYEES TO ATTEND! We
LBMAO President Wwhen the courses will be available. We have need your help in filling the courses and, with
had to defer them until provincial restrictions
early registrations, we can then gauge if there is
are lifted. At this time, the dates are set, the enough interest to add additional training dates.
locations contracted and the trainer is booked Now...onto the world famous “LBMAO Golf
and ready to go! Our training programs are Tour”. In a recent board meeting we agreed that
back on track - WE HOPE! So far, the hotels are we will host only one tournament, most probably
capable under current provincial restrictions to in London in early September. We anticipate
host our Estimating and Yard Operations courses. that all golf courses will be up and running
Provided we are not put back into the red zone by that time and we may be able to host this
(or whatever zone closes us down!), we will move tournament, including the dinner. At this time,
ahead with our courses in early most courses are not accepting bookings for
"We need your help June. tournaments and, if they are, they are limited
We did hold a virtual Zoom
in the number of attendees for both golf and
in filling the courses; yard operations course and it banquet facilities.
went relatively well, however; Under the current business conditions - with
and, with early the classroom format is still the stores being so busy and many short staffed -
registrations, we can preferable method to deliver good golf tournaments are not on the radar for the
learning outcomes. near future for most retailers. We are fortunate
then gauge if there We recognize that June is not that our sector has endured the pandemic with
is enough interest normally a good month to host robust sales and margins; however, with product
training. In past years, that time shortages being as acute as they are now and for
to add additional of year has been very busy for our the foreseeable future, spring and summer looks
training dates." members with seasonal projects to be busy but frustrating when not being able to
on the go, etc. In a discussion satisfy customer needs!
with our board, it was determined I am sure that all of our members (and our
that building supply and hardware stores have communities) are looking forward to the future
been busy throughout the year - and that is not when we can say, “Do you remember when...?”
expected to change - so June works as well as
any other time of the year under the current
Depending on the number of registrations
for these courses we will consider adding
additional sessions shortly afterwards if the
demand is there. Of course, this will be based
on the availability of the trainer and continual
improvement in allowing meetings such as this
under provincial guidelines. So, REGISTER EARLY
6 LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2021