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Industry NEWS

        family.” Ken Jenkins, Castle President  known in the GTA.                    your store could be a winner:
                                               “We believe that Castle can help launch   hardlines announces 2021
        Independents Continue to Choose Castle  our business to the next level, through their
           Castle’s  growth  in  Ontario  continues  to   strong  supplier  network,  allowing  us  to   outstanding retailer awards
        strengthen their national footprint with the   expand  our  product  line  to  our  customers
        announcement of a new member location   and  adding  the  brand  support  needed  for
        in Sudbury. Situated in Val Caron, a region   that competitive edge.” Rene Silva Jr, Owner
        in the northern end of Sudbury, Daro Vinyl   The  team  at  ML  Lumber  is  excited  to
        Products is the newest independent set to   begin this next chapter with Castle and look
        open their doors as Castle.          forward to offering their valued customers a
           Daro  Vinyl  Products  has  catered  to   wider product assortment and competitive   What’s  the  best  part  about  being  an
        residential  and  commercial  customers   pricing.                        Outstanding  Retailer Award  winner?  Oh
        for  close  to  25  years.  Experienced   “Independent  entrepreneurs  who  want   sure,  there’s  the  engraved  plaque,  the
        entrepreneurs,  Roy  Gareau  and  his  son   to  launch  their  business  to  the  next  level   promotion  of  the  award  within  one’s
        Joel  realized  they  wanted  to  expand  their   are  choosing  Castle  to  make  their  growth   community and being celebrated in person
        business  and  have  greater  community   potential  possible.  Castle  is  focused  on   at the Hardlines Gala Dinner.
        reach. It was important that they partnered   the  success  of  our  members  and  that’s   But  winning  owners  and  managers
        with a buying group that could help further   why  every  independent  who  joins  Castle   will report that it’s the sense of pride they
        their  growth;  a  group  that  was  aligned   experiences  tremendous  growth  and  have  for  their  staff  that  really  highlights
        with their core values and understood their   prosperity.” Ken Jenkins, Castle President  their  experience.  That  sense  of  pride  is
        entrepreneurial spirit.                Castle welcomes ML Lumber & Building   shared  by  all  winners  and  by  the  industry
           “With  the  Castle  group  we  will  have   Supplies to the Castle family.  at large as ORA winners represent the very
        access  to  all  major  vendors  and  the  move                           best qualities of  retailing,  leadership  and
        to  Castle  gives  our  team  the  opportunity   Castle Grows in Greater Toronto Area  humanity that make this industry so great.
        to  be  more  competitive  in  our  region   Castle’s  growth  continues  to  That’s  why  Hardlines  is  pleased  to
        while  maintaining  our  independence.”  Roy   strengthen their Ontario footprint with the   announce  the  call  for  entries  for  the  2021
        Gareau, Founder                      announcement of a new member location in   Outstanding  Retailer  Awards.  The  awards,
           With  a  dedicated  team,  Roy  is  excited   Brampton. Situated in the Greater Toronto   which are national in scope, are open to all
        to be part of the Castle group and to serve   Area, BDC Lighting and All Trade Supply is all   Canadian hardware and home improvement
        his community with an enhanced product   set to open its doors as Castle.  retailers and managers who have operated
        offering and wide range of building material   As  an  experienced  entrepreneur,  owner   under  their  current  ownership  for  at  least
        products.                            Victor Narula realized he wanted to partner   two years.
           “At Castle we understand the spirit of the   with a buying group that could help further   Dealers may submit their entries directly
        independent  entrepreneur.  Our  business   his growth that aligned with his core values.   to  Hardlines.  Alternatively,  their  chain  or
        model  is  built  on  providing  our  members   It  was  important  to  Victor  that  he  stayed   buying group head offices may select their
        the  tools  they  need  to  be  profitable  and   true to his independent and entrepreneurial   best dealer(s) and prepare their entries for
        successful, while growing their own brand.   spirit.                      them in collaboration with the dealer. Head
        This is what makes Castle the buying group   “With  the  Castle  group  we  will  have   offices may enter more than one store per
        of  choice  for  independent  retailers.”  Ken   access to all major vendors and Castle has   category. In addition, suppliers may identify
        Jenkins, Castle President            the  best  strategy  to  help  us  grow.”  Victor   specific outstanding retailers for entry. ORA
           Castle welcomes Daro Vinyl Products to   Narula, Owner                 submissions are due June 25.
        the family.                            With  a  dedicated  team,  BDC  Lighting   While  the  state  of  the  world  remains
                                             looks  forward  to  serving  their  community   uncertain, right now Hardlines is planning to
        Castle Announces New Member in Toronto  with  a  new  look  and  product  offering.  In   award the winning dealers in person during
           Castle’s  growth  continues  nationwide   addition to electrical and lighting products,   our  Gala  Dinner  at  this  year’s  Hardlines
        with  the  announcement  in  March  of  a   BDC will offer contractors and consumers a   Conference,  which  will  be  held  Oct  19  and
        new location in Toronto, ON. ML Lumber &   wide range of building material products.  20  at  the  Queen’s  Landing  Hotel,  Niagara-
        Building  Supplies  is  a  full-service  lumber   “At Castle we understand the spirit of the   on-the-Lake,  ON.  Hardlines  is  committed
        and  building  materials  hub  for  local   independent  entrepreneur.  Our  business   to  providing  a  safe  and  comfortable
        contractors and DIY consumers. ML Building   model is built on providing members what   environment  in  which  to  host  the
        Supplies  is  owned by  Connie Vieira  and   they  need  to  be  profitable  and  successful.   conference and the awards and will provide
        her  son  Rene  Silva  Jr.,  who  have  operated   Our  commitment  to  our  shared  values  of   updates as the event draws nearer. (Go to
        independently in Toronto since 1974.  loyalty, dedication and connection is what to see a full list of
           ML  Lumber  &  Building  Supplies  has   makes Castle the buying group of choice for   categories and entry details, et en français
        built their business on delivering premium   building  their  unique  brand.”  Ken  Jenkins,   ici.)
        customer  service  and  the  highest  quality   Castle President            Winners  will  receive  a  trip  for  two,  plus
        materials  to  their  customers.  Their  Castle would like to welcome the team at   two  nights’  accommodation  in  Niagara-
        reputation  for  being  a  trusted  source   BDC Lighting to the family.  on-the-Lake,  to  attend  the  Hardlines
        for  building  materials  and  meeting  the                               Conference on Oct 19 and 20 and participate
        specialized  needs  of  the  trades  is  well-                            in the ORA Gala Dinner.  In addition, winners

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