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Industry NEWS

        announced that it will add additional Online   Through the addition of these additional   “We learn  more  and more  with each
        Buying  Events  to  its  schedule  moving   Online Buying Events, Orgill hopes to create   event we host,” Hamer says. “We learn what
        forward.                             a  better  rhythm  for  its  interaction  with   our customers ike and what they don’t like,
           “What  started  as  a  necessity  has  really   customers, allowing them greater flexibility   so every time we finish one of these Online
        grown  into  a  more  well-rounded  strategy   in planning and ordering the products they   Buying Events, we take that feedback and
        for  us  connecting  our  customers  with  the   need.                    get to work making the next one better.”
        products, promotional pricing and seasonal   “We  have  had  great  feedback  from  our   When  it  comes  to  the  next  in-person
        specials  they  need,”  says  Greg  Stine,  Orgill   customers  about the  effectiveness  of  the   buying  event,  Orgill  plans  to  pull  out  all
        executive  vice  president  of  marketing   Online  Buying  Events,”  says  Jeff  Curler,   the  stops  for  its  Spring  Dealer  Market  in
        and  communications.  “We  believe  that  by   Orgill’s senior vice president of purchasing.   Orlando. Not only will the Feb. 24-26 event
        adding additional Online Buying Events to   “We have also heard good      represent the company’s return to in-person
        our  schedule,  we  can  help  our  customers   things  from  our  vendors  about  the   buying  markets,  it  will  also mark  Orgill’s
        take  better  advantage  of  the  seasonal   engagements they are having with retailers.   175th anniversary.
        buying opportunities available to them. By   By increasing the              “Believe  me,  we  are  planning  for  the
        adding events, we won’t be asking them to   frequency  of  these  events  and  using   Spring  Dealer  Market  to  be  a  celebration
        condense  their  purchases  into  two  narrow   them  to  augment  live  shows,  we  think   in  a  lot  of  ways,”  Moore  says.  “Most
        windows in the fall and spring.”     there  will  be  significant  benefits  for  our   importantly,  we  want  it  to  be  a  big  thank
           Along with the Fall Online Buying Event in   customers.”               you  to  our  customers  and  our  vendors  for
        August, Orgill has announced plans to host   Marc  Hamer,  Orgill’s  executive  vice   getting through the past year but also for
        the following events:                president  and  chief  information  and   supporting  Orgill  and  helping  us  achieve
        •  A Winter 2021 Online Buying Event in late   technology  officer,  also  says  the  company   such a significant milestone in our corporate
          October                            has learned a great deal from both vendor   history.”
        •  A  Spring  2022  Online  Buying  Event  that   and  customer  feedback  about  the  user   For  more  information  about  Orgill’s
          will  coincide  with  the  in-person  Spring   experience of the Online Buying Events and   Online  Buying  Events  or  Spring  Dealer
          Dealer Market in Orlando in February 2022  will continue to update the technology used   Market, please visit
        •  A  Summer  2022 Online  Buying  Event  in   to  create  a  more  intuitive  and  seamless
          late April 2022                    experience in the online environment.


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           Tetra House, courtesy of Bercy Chen Studio LP. Photography by Paul Bardagjy.                                                           LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2021 15
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