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Industry NEWS
will receive an inscribed plaque, a write‐up
in Hardlines Home Improvement Quarterly
magazine, and a customized video and
photo ready to be sent to local media.
Launched in 1992, the Hardlines
Outstanding Retailer Awards are the
industry’s only national awards program
dedicated to celebrating the achievements
of hardware and building supply dealers
in Canada. Over almost three decades, the
program has honoured more than 160
(To fill out the ORA application,
please visit; or contact
our Editor, Christina Manocchio, for
further information. Le formulaire est
également disponible en français.)
About Hardlines topics such as recruitment and retention from across Canada with hundreds of
Celebrating its 27th year, Hardlines Inc. practices, workplace culture, compensation, Suppliers. Dealer-owners gained valuable
is the leading authority on the retail home training and skills development, and insight into strategic buying opportunities,
improvement industry. Hardlines’ products innovative HR practices. Additionally, the including innovative products and category
and services include the Hardlines weekly
electronic newsletter; Hardlines Home Top Fleet Employer of Distinction status trends through video presentations and
Improvement Quarterly magazine; Hardlines is awarded to employers who have been key updates from our Hardlines and LBM
Dealer News; free Daily News; and the Annual recognized in the program for a minimum Merchandise teams.
Hardlines Conference. of five years. “Trucking and logistics “We are thrilled with the success of
employers and their employees continue our 2021 Virtual Spring Market, which
to be leaders in getting us through the built on the experience and capabilities
home hardware's spring market pandemic,” said Angela Splinter, CEO, of our two previous Virtual Markets,” said
and top fleet employer of Trucking HR Canada. “As we look to support Kevin Macnab, President and CEO, Home
Hardware Stores Limited. “Our enhanced
economic recovery, our Top Fleet employers
distinction award lead the way in offering great workplaces platform allowed us to deliver engaging
for Canadians seeking new employment presentations in our virtual auditorium and
opportunities.” host an interactive tradeshow, providing
The Top Fleet Employer standards are Dealers with an event that drives their
validated by trucking industry experts and growth and profitability.”
are reviewed annually to ensure an accurate Designed specifically for our Dealers,
reflection of human resource issues, trends, the Virtual Spring Market focused on
and today’s working environments. showcasing new products, engaging with
Home Hardware will receive the award at Suppliers, and offering Dealers the best
Trucking HR Canada’s annual awards gala in assortments for their stores.
Home Hardware Receives Top Fleet the fall.
Employer of Distinction Award Quotes
Home Hardware Stores Limited is About Trucking HR Canada “Home’s 2021Virtual Spring Market was
pleased to be named a Top Fleet Employer Trucking HR Canada is a national, non- the best online platform we have ever
of Distinction by Trucking HR Canada. The profit organization, advancing modern experienced! The Introduction to
program, now in its eighth year, honours HR solutions for the trucking and logistics Market video was informative and helped
the best trucking and logistics industry workforce. We collaborate, partner, and work us to navigate and connect with the
workplaces in Canada. with a dynamic network including industry hundreds of Suppliers at Market. After this
“Being honoured by Trucking HR Canada associations, government departments and year’s Virtual Spring Market, we feel even
for the eighth consecutive year recognizes industry professionals to ensure Canada’s more prepared to tackle the year ahead.”
Home Hardware’s commitment to going freight transportation network has the skilled Allison Kilby, Dealer-Owner, Pioneer Home
the extra mile to make this a great place workforce needed for today and into the future. Hardware Building Centre
to work,” said Dennis Shantz, Director of “Home Hardware’s Virtual Spring
Fleet Services, Home Hardware Stores Home Hardware Delivers Successful Market platform is the best in the industry!
Limited. “With 140 tractors and over 500 2021 Virtual Spring Market The online experience was both interactive
trailers travelling 20 million kilometers per Home Hardware has successfully and easy to use. Our team thoroughly
year, Home Hardware continues to be a concluded its 2021 Virtual Spring Market, enjoyed this week, and we look forward
leader in the trucking industry.” which ran from March 22-29. The eight- to returning again in the fall. Great work!”
Award applicants are evaluated on day event united Home Hardware Dealers Regal Ideas LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2021 11