Page 17 - Mar-Apr 21 - Reporter - web optimized
P. 17
s we move into 2021 (and look back to visit the Forest and ride! What a day - as well as the number of people in each
Aat 2020 as a year we do not want to great weather, excellent conditions. It was a chalet or room. It was different as we
remember), we are glad we were able enjoy bit icy on the lakes due to warm weather a usually gather in the evenings and relive our
at least one event; and we look forward to couple of days before, but still a great ride. adventures of the day. We were able to visit
planning training seminars, etc. once the Our lunch at The Cookhouse was but only four to a table and a distance apart.
province moves out of lockdown. conducted in a safe manner with all of We again thank the Schells and Steve
It was touch and go wondering if we us following mask wearing and social Young for being our guides; everybody
could move forward with our snowmobile distancing rules as enforced by the made it back to the base camp safely!
day; and 10 days before our scheduled run, restaurant. Pulled pork sandwiches and We had 19 sleds out for the day
we were told by the Haliburton Forest that soup was enjoyed by all; then back out on including many first timers which, under the
they could not rent sleds due to the level of the trails. circumstances, was a good turnout. We look
their mandated restrictions. However, just For those of us staying at the Pinestone forward to next year’s run and a full ticket of
in time the Haliburton area moved into the Inn, they were able to accommodate us sledders!
next level of opening up and we were able with restricted protocols in the restaurant, LBMAO Reporter - March-April 2021 17