Page 10 - May-June 2021 REPORTER
P. 10

Industry NEWS

        Canadian entrepreneurs succeed in the sale   team  of  individuals  who  are  focused   Audrey  Lemay-Poirier,  as  Director,
        of building materials and hardware. TORBSA   on  providing  exemplary  services  to  our   Agrizone.
        shareholders retain their full independence   members,” says Palmer. “I know he will do   Jérémie Brunelle, who has taken on the
        and have full exposure to all rebate programs,   great things.”           new  position  of  Director,  Innovation.  This
        with its vendors.                                                         position  oversees  the  import,  banner  and
                                             Sexton Group Ltd is an independently owned   web  content  management  aspects  of  our
         john magri joins sexton group ltd   buying group for building materials, hardware,   organization.
                                             lumber and manufactured structures. They are
             as director of programs         a dedicated team of industry experts focused   We are doubly proud to announce these
                                             on their independent members’ success.   appointments  because,  in  addition  to
                                             They negotiate strong, regionally competitive   embodying the confidence we place in the
                                             programs for all members coast-to-coast.   members of our extensive family, they also
                                             They work for their members every day, so   demonstrate  our  intention  to  position  our
                                             they can focus on what matters most – their   employees at the heart of our success.
                                             business.  They  are  committed  to  their  300
                                             members, representing over 400 locations in   Kemptville Building Centre Joins BMR
           ric  Palmer,  Vice  President  and  General   every province and territory in Canada.  Group
        EManager, is  pleased to  announce                                          BMR  Group  is  pleased  to  announce  the
        that  John    Magri  has  joined  the  Sexton                             addition  of  a  new  dealer  to  its  growing
        Group  as  the  Director  of  Programs.  In   BMR GROUP ANNOUNCEMENTS     family:  Kemptville  Building  Centre.    This
        his  new  position,  John  will  manage                                   2nd  generation family business is one of the
        sourcing  and  negotiating  product;  vendor                              largest building centres in the region at over
        relationships;  direct  relationships  with                               63,000  sq.  ft.  and  has  several    specialized
        Sexton Group members; and developing and                                  departments,  including  kitchen; bathroom;
        implementing strategic purchasing plans.                                  and  window  and  door renovations.   The
           John has over 30 years of experience in                                store,      located      in      Kemptville,    Ontario,
        purchasing and procurement. For the past                                  employs   between   55   and 75 employees,
        16 years, John has worked with a prominent   Notice of Appointments       depending on the season, more than half of
        building  supply  dealer  in  Manitoba  as   At  a  time  when  our  industry  is   whom have been dedicated to serving their
        their  General  Manager.  In  this  role,  he   experiencing  an  unprecedented  level  local customers for at least 10 years.
        was  responsible  for  all  retail  departments,   of  activity,  we  wanted  to  optimize  our   After  10  years  under  the  RONA  banner,
        store  operations,  inventory  management,   organizational  structure  in  order  to  be   owner  Eric  Norenberg  has  decided  to  join
        customer service and store staff supervision.   more efficient in supporting our dealers and   BMR Group to increase the market visibility
        Prior to  this, John  held  progressive   suppliers in their day-to-day operations and   of  his  store  and  to  extend  its  product
        roles  with  Princess  Auto  and  then  went   to  provide  them  with  more  effective  and   offering.  The  mission  of  the  company,
        on  to  experience  an  entrepreneur’s  customized support.               which  began  its  activities  in  1975,  is  to
        life.  Throughout  his  career,  John  has   “These  appointments  were  awarded   offer quality products and excellent service
        always  enjoyed  working  with  people  and   to  BMR  Group  employees  who  have   to  its  community.  The  owner  also  pointed
        developing new skills. He is looking forward   distinguished  themselves  through  their   out that the entrepreneurial culture of BMR
        to sharing his experiences and insights as   know-how and their extensive knowledge of   Group  and  the  fact  that  it  is  a  Canadian
        a member of the Sexton Team and being a   the market. We are pleased to entrust these   company prompted his decision to join the
        part of their growth.                exceptional  colleagues,  who  have  clearly   group.
           “I  am  very  excited  to  be  joining  such  a   demonstrated their expertise and strategic   “I am very proud and honoured to have
        dynamic  team  of  individuals  who  are  so   insight,  with  greater  responsibilities,”  the  privilege  of  joining  the  BMR  Group
        dedicated to the success of their members.   said  Bruno  Baldessari,  Vice  President,   family.  The  expertise  of  the  staff  of  this
        I  look  forward  to  working  with  the  Sexton   Merchandizing and Vendor Relations.   homegrown  company,  its  distribution
        Team  and  our  members  across  Canada                                   network, and its wide range of products will
        to  not  only  stay  competitive  but  to  help   BMR  Group  is  proud  to  announce   allow  me  to  better  serve  our  customers.  I
        grow  their  business  in  our  ever-changing   the  following  recent  appointments  to   am looking forward to a long and successful
        marketplace,” says Magri.            its  Merchandising  and  Vendor  Relations   future for our store under the BMR banner.”
           Sexton  Group  prides  itself  on  providing   department  and  they  would  like  to   Eric  Norenberg,  Kemptville  Building  Centre
        exceptional  service  to  all  members,  congratulate:                    Owner
        including  strong  advocacy  with  vendor   Paul Philippe Boucher, appointed to the   “We are pleased to welcome Kemptville
        partners, providing transactional excellence   position of Director, Forestry Products;   Building  Centre  to  the  BMR  Group  and  to
        and ensuring members remain competitive   Nancy Metsos, who holds the position of   see our network of dealers in Ontario grow.
        in  local  markets.  “John  is  a  welcome   Coordinator, Sales Office;   This will allow us to better serve the needs
        addition to our professional and dedicated   Isabelle  Perron,  in  the  position  of   of local residential and business customers
                                             Manager, Analysis and Merchandising;
        10  LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2021                                                 
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