Page 6 - May-June 2021 REPORTER
P. 6
Message from the PRESIDENT
lumber inflation
s we all know, the increase in lumber prices whether the trend in pricing will continue; but most
Ahas been exponentially higher than we have economists predict that price increases will ease as
ever experienced in the past. However, lumber the rate of inoculation increases and the effects of
is not the only commodity that has exploded in the pandemic start to ease. Let us hope for a more
price. The charts below demonstrate the key normal late summer and fall!
categories and their historical increases. These are I thought this was good information to better
U.S. statistics but can certainly be reflected in the understand that it is not just our sector that is
Canadian marketplace as well. It remains to be seen experiencing these pressures on pricing.
david campbell
LBMAO President
6 LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2021