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Industry NEWS

           orgill cuts rubbon at rome, ny
                distribution centre

        During  the  first  week  of  August,  Orgill
        welcomed hundreds of customers, vendors
        and local dignitaries to Rome, New York, to
        celebrate, tour and take part in the official
        ribbon cutting ceremony marking the grand
        opening  of  its  newest  distribution  centre
            “We enjoyed the opportunity to have so
        many of our customers and vendor partners
        on hand so they could get a first-hand look
        at  the  Rome  DC,  see  the  investments  we
        are making in our distribution network and
        have  the  opportunity  to  meet  our  team,”
        says  Boyden  Moore,  Orgill  president  and
        CEO.    “This  milestone  in  our  growth  is   distribution centre, joining existing facilities   a  new  role  for  tech  support  at  the  facility,
        only  possible  because  of  our  customers’   in  Tifton,  Georgia;  Inwood,  West  Virginia;   according  to  Randy  Williams,  Orgill’s
        continued growth and our vendor partners’   Sikeston,  Missouri;  Kilgore,  Texas;  Post   executive vice president of distribution.
        continued support.”                  Falls,  Idaho;  Hurricane,  Utah;  and  London,   “This  role  is  new  to  our  company  but
           During the two-day event, Orgill offered   Ontario.                    so  important  in  our  overall  operations,”
        guests  tours  of  the  new  780,000-square-  This  facility  effectively  doubles  Orgill’s   Williams  says.  “They  will  ensure  that
        foot,  state-of-the-art  facility,  hosted  a   distribution  capacity  within  the  region   the  facility  finds  ways  to  use  technology
        vendor  meeting  and  invited  guests  to  a   and will serve customers throughout New   to  enhance  the  overall  operations  and
        reception and dinner to thank them for their   York,  Maine,  New  Hampshire,  Vermont,   interactions  with  customers.  The  creation
        support.                             Massachusetts,  Connecticut,  Rhode  Island   of  this  position  is  an  important  step  for
           “We  thought  it  would  be  nice  to   and northeastern Pennsylvania.   us as we continue to look for ways we can
        combine the grand opening with a bit of a   In  addition  to  augmenting  Orgill’s   harness technology through all aspects of
        celebration. It’s been such a long time since   distribution  capacity,  the  facility  will  also   our operation to create efficiencies, improve
        we’ve  had  so  many  of  our  customers  and   provide  the  Mohawk  Valley  area  with   customer  service  and  better  fulfill  our
        vendors  together  in  one  place,”  says  Greg   more  than  225  additional  jobs  when  fully   mission.”
        Stine,  Orgill’s  executive  vice  president  of   operational.  This  economic  benefit  was     Other  innovations  in  distribution
        marketing  and  communications.  “It  was  a   mentioned several times during the official   technology  and  design  that  Orgill
        lot of fun for all of us to host this event.”   ribbon-cutting  events.  Local  and  regional   showcased  during  the  grand  opening
           “I  think  we  also  need  to  recognize  our   officials were on hand for the ceremony.  ceremony  included  the  latest  in  voice
        team who made this opening happen. They    Mark Scanlon, Orgill’s  vice president of   picking systems, a space-maximizing very-
        did a fantastic job. We broke ground here in   Northeast distribution, says the facility and   narrow-aisle (VNA) layout and a new, multi-
        April right when the pandemic started and   its team will play an integral role in helping   tiered conveyor system.
        there  was  also  incredibly  high  demand  for   improve Orgill’s entire distribution network   All  of  these  features  are  designed  to
        home improvement products that was really   capacity.                     create  efficiencies  for  the  distribution
        stressing  the  entire  distribution  network.   “We have been able to hire a great team   team  and  ultimately  reduce  friction  in
        So we challenged everyone working on this   of managers and supervisors that bring a lot   receiving,  picking  and  fulfilling  customer
        project and asked if there was any way we   of experience in distribution, transportation   orders, according to Williams. “Technology,
        could  get  it  done  faster  than  our  original   and warehouse management to our team,”   innovation  and  capacity  are  all  factors
        schedule, and everyone answered the call,”   Scanlon  says.  “When  you  combine  the   that  drive  our  distribution  efficiencies  at  a
        adds Moore.                          added  capacity  that  Rome  brings  to  our   facility like Rome, but ultimately, all of these
           In fact, Orgill’s Rome DC was completed   distribution network, the leading-edge best   investments are designed to help us better
        faster  than  any  other  facility  in  the   practices we built into the DC and the high-  serve  our  customers  and  help  them  make
        company’s modern history. And while those   calibre team members we have brought in,   their businesses more successful,” Williams
        present  for  the  grand  opening  might  not   the bottom line is that Orgill will be better   says.
        have gotten to witness how the distribution   able to serve its customers.”    The  opening  of  the  Rome  distribution
        centre  came  together,  they  were  clearly   Of  the  employees  working  out  of  the   centre  is  just  the  latest  step  in  Orgill’s
        impressed with the end results.      Rome  facility,  there  will  be  at  least  one   commitment  to  expand  and  enhance  its
           The  Rome  site  is  Orgill’s  eighth   “first” for Orgill, with the distributor creating   distribution  capabilities  to  stay  ahead

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