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n  the  early  fall  of  2020,  while  travelling   be  interested  in  finding  out  about  the   4000  products  in  over  40  countries,  MiTek
        Isouth from the Barrie area on Hwy 400,   challenges  and  rewards  of  building  and   is  a  major  player  in  the  structural  truss
        it was apparent that the pandemic was still   opening during a pandemic.  connector  plate  industry.    A  gentleman
        affecting  travel  as  the  traffic  was  light  on   Rick arranged for me to meet with David   by  the  name  of  Cal  Juriet  invented  and
        this usually busy route.  Passing the turnoff   Cattapan,  MiTek’s  Canadian  President,  and   patented  the  first  Gang-Nail  connector  in
        to Bradford, I could not help but notice a   Justin  Neil,  their  VP  of  Operations.    When   1955.    Through  acquisitions  and  mergers,
        new construction site being built with a sign                             the  company  expanded  to  include  Gang-
        proudly announcing, “New Home of MiTek”.                                  Nail,  Hydro-Air,  Panel  Clip,  Tee-Lok  and
           MiTek is a long-standing member of the   "It was like building a new   Jager companies.   In  1982,  the  company
        LBMAO.  What a challenge to put up a new                                  reorganized  to  be  the  parent  of  these
        state of the art facility during the COVID-19   airplane while trying to fly it!"  acquisitions  under  the  corporate  name  of
        pandemic!  I thought that they must have                                  MiTek.  With distribution centres in Surrey,
        some  interesting  insights  into  building                               BC; Calgary, AB; Laval, QC; and Dieppe, NB,
        during this unprecedented time.      asked about the challenges of a new build   this  company  is  well  positioned  to  service
           I  contacted  Rick  Ward,  whom  I  have   during the pandemic, David commented, “It   the Canadian marketplace.
        known  for  several  years,  to  inquire  about   was like building a new airplane while trying   Up  until  the  acquisition  of  USP
        the new build.    Rick is the Regional Sales   to fly it!”                Connectors  in  2011,  MiTek  had  been
        Manager,  Eastern  Canada,  Supply  Channel.   First,  a  few  details  about  MiTek.    With   focused on selling structural truss connector
        I suggested to Rick that our readers would   6500  employees  worldwide  selling  over   plates,  truss  manufacturing  equipment,

        Pictured opposite:  Rick Ward, Regional Sales Manager, Ontario; Justin Neil, VP Operations and David Cattapan, President, christen their new
        board room while being interviewed by David Campbell, LBMAO President. Above: Stamping and manufacturing equipment freshly installed
        in this pristine new environment.                                                          LBMAO Reporter - July-August 2021  19
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