Page 19 - Nov-Dec 2017 - Reporter - web
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Industry NEWS

        combined  with  extensive  sound  and  fire   Please  join  us  in  welcoming  Malcolm,   will  not  only  serve  as  an  effective  place
        testing,  provides  confidence  to  specifiers   Mark and Derick to their new positions; and   to  post  jobs  but  will  also  make  the
        and builders.                        in wishing Ken well as he moves on to his   hiring  process  easier  with  tools  like  the
           This  new  certification  program  will   next adventure.                Applicant Tracking System.
        elevate  the  expectations  and  quality
                                                                                    The strategic partnership features three
        standards from all manufacturers. All CSSBI   the building material council of   levels of involvement: Emerging, Legacy and
        members  are  required  to  produce  code                                 Founding partners.  Investments range from
        compliant product and be certified by July   canada will tackle industry needs   $5,000-$25,000 depending on business size
        2018.  Customer  satisfaction  and  quality  is   on national level       and territory.
        Bailey’s top priority.                                                      Each  of  the  regional  associations  on
                                                                                  council  has  invested  in  the  partnership  as
        Corporate Changes  at Bailey  Metal                                       founding partners. And so far, the response
        Products Ltd                                                              from  the  industry  has  been  extremely
           It  is  with  truly  mixed  emotions  that                             positive. Jeld-Wen, Home Hardware Stores
        Bailey  Metal  Products  Ltd  would  like  to                             Ltd  and Castle Building Centres Ltd  have
        announce  that  Kenneth  Meinert,  our                                    also jumped on board as founding investors,
                                                                                  bringing  the  overall  investment  pool  to
        Executive Vice President is retiring effective                            $175,000.  The ultimate goal is $300,000.
        March  31st,  2018.  Ken  is  well  known  in   The  Building  Material  Council  of  Canada   “It’s  important  to  emphasize  that  the
        the  industry  having  served  at  USG/CGC   (BMCC)  has  developed  a  strategic  partners  who  come  on  board  aren’t  only
        companies  for  20  years  including  time  as   partnership  to  address  industry  needs  and   investing  in  the  future  of  the  industry  but
        CEO  of  the  Canadian  Gypsum  Company.   challenges head on.            also, in turn, in the future of their company.
        In  2000,  Ken  pursued  entrepreneurial  and   The  partnership  will  consist  of  The  two  go  hand-in-hand,”  said  Denis
        community service work, immersing himself   buying groups and key suppliers whose   Melanson,  chair  of  the  BMCC.    “When  the
        deeply for 10 years in unprecedented work   investments will further initiatives aimed to   industry  grows  and  succeeds,  so  do  its
        and accomplishments.                 move the industry forward.  BMCC identified   members.    We’re  thrilled  with  the  positive
           Ken  brought  all  that  experience  to   four key initiatives at their national meeting   response  we’ve  received  from  the  industry
                                                                                  partners we’ve met with so far and we’re
                                             in  June  2017.    The  initiatives  all  aim  to
        Bailey and has played an important role as   create awareness, gain national traction and   looking  forward  to  sharing  our  vision  with
        a  member  of  the  Executive  Management   address recruitment and retention needs:  more.  It’s an exciting time for the building
        team  since  2010.  Under  his  leadership,   •  BMCC  has  partnered  with  an  Ottawa-  materials industry!”
        our  business  has  continued  to  grow  and   based government relations firm enabling   The  council,  representing  over  2,400
        his legacy will be the lasting impact he has   the  industry  to  lobby  government  and   members,  brings  together  the  Atlantic
        had  on  his  peers  and  the  strategic  path   advocate on issues with a national, united   Building  Supply  Dealers  Association
        he has set us on. While we are sorry to see   voice.                      (ABSDA),  the  Lumber  and  Building
        Ken leave, we appreciate his passion for his   •  BMCC  is  currently  in  the  process  of   Materials  Association  of  Ontario  (LBMAO),
        philanthropic pursuits and his family life. We   developing  a  national  career  website.    the  Western  Retail  Lumber  Association
        wish him the very best in his retirement.  The  site  will  highlight  career  paths  and   (WRLA),  and  the  Building  Supply  Industry
                                               opportunities  as  well  as  feature  other
                                                                                  Association of British Columbia (BSIA).
           With this change, we are also excited to   industry information.         The  BMCC,  formerly  the  CRBSC,  was
        announce  the  appointments  of  Malcolm   •  A  social  media  campaign  will  focus  on   formed  in  the  spring  of  2016  when  the
        Nobbs  to  Vice  President  of  Strategic   generating  industry  awareness  and   regional  organizations  identified  the  need
        Development,  Mark  Griffioen  to  Vice   highlighting  career  opportunities.  to  unite  as  a  structured  entity  to  better
        President of Operations and Derick Vinthers   Its  goal  will  be  to  recruit  and   respond  to  the  changes  in  its  stakeholder
        to Vice President of Sales. These three will   generate awareness among younger   needs, specifically at the national level.
        join our Executive Team and they represent   demographics.                  For more information: David W. Campbell,
        a very bright future for our business; and our   •  A  free  national  job  board/platform   President, LBMAO:  dwcampbell@lbmao.
        continued commitment to be the very best   featuring  HR  recruitment  tools  will  be,  Ph.:  (905) 625-1084
        steel framing supplier in the industry.  integrated  into  the  career  site.    This

           INDEX TO ADVERTISERS                IKO Industries Ltd ..........................11  Orgill, Inc. .......................................... 4
                                               JELD-WEN Inc. .................................. 9  Programmed Insurance Brokers ......12
            ACCEO Solutions .............................13  Kohltech Windows &   Sellick Equipment ...............................17
            Atlas Polar Company Ltd .................. 7  Entrance Systems ...........................15  Taiga Building Products Ltd ................
            Canada Legal Referral.....................14  Nicholson and Cates ............................  .................................inside front cover
            Castle Building Centres Group Ltd .......  ................................. inside back cover  TIMBER MART GROUP ...................... 3
            ...............................outside back cover  Nu-Forest Products (Canada) Inc. .12

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