Page 6 - Jun 2022 - web optimized
P. 6

Message from the PRESIDENT

                              WHAT'S APP?

                              THE LBMAO

                              DIRECTORY APP!

                              IF YOU HAVEN'T DOWNLOADED

          david campbell      IT BY NOW, DO IT!
          LBMAO President

                                 s I look at the screen on my smart phone with all the
                              Aembedded  and  downloaded  apps,  some  of  which
                              I  use  daily  and  some  I  wonder  what  they  do,  I  think
                              to  myself,  why  does  the  LBMAO  need  to  update  the
                              existing hard copy directory with a downloadable app
                              for your smart phone? Well, here are the key points on
                              why you should download the app:            for vendors who wish to expand their digital presence
                                 The hard copy directory was out of date as soon as it
                              was printed as it was an annual publication, widely used   with a targeted approach to reach the most influential
                                                                          decision makers in the industry.
                                          by  the  membership  but  still  outdated.   The decision to move to the app format recognizes
                  "We recognize that      As  well,  you  always  have  your  smart   the benefits of this type of technology as a tool to meet
                                          phone with you, but not necessarily the   the demands of our industry today. We recognize that
                   some people have       hard copy directory.            some people have challenges using a smart phone and
                                            The  LBMAO  app  data  is  updated
                   challenges using a     as  soon  as  we  receive  changes  to   downloading apps; however most of our members have
                                                                          adapted and are using digital technology to efficiently
                    smart phone and       ownership,  location  and  groups  so  the   run their businesses.
                                          information you access via the app is as   Comments  from  supplier  reps  who  are  using  the
                    downloadin apps;      current as we can make it.      new Directory App have been extremely positive. They
                                            Members  can  download  the  first
                       however most       copy of the app free of charge and each   are using it to search for building supply and hardware
                     of our members       additional copy can be downloaded for   stores by town and name; they are then able to access
                                                                          their  contact  information  including  phone  numbers,
                                          other personnel such as sales reps for a
                    have adapted and      small fee of $65.00 plus tax (same cost   address, website and directions.
                                                                             I  recently  had  a  conversation  with  a  retailer  who
                     are using digital    as the previous hard copy version). Non   did a search for distributors who sold pressure treated
                                          members  can  download  the  app  for   lumber. Five companies came up on the screen; with a
                        technology to     a  fee  of  $250.00.  The  app  is  renewed   click of a button, he was able to access their websites
                                          annually in the fall.
                  efficiently run their     The app is an excellent search engine   and  all  the  information  to  contact  those  companies.  I
                                                                          must  point  out  however  that  only  those  distributors
                         businesses."     to  obtain  information  on  products   who have listed pressure treated lumber under Product
                                          available  from  suppliers  and  a  quick   Sources  in  the  Directory  will  show  up.  I  know  that
                                          look up for retailers; as well as to search   there are several other companies who sell it but they
                                          for  names  of  people,  companies,  and
                              services.                                   were only listed under building materials. As with any
                                                                          search  engine,  having  as  much  information  on  which
                                 Supplier sales reps can search for retailers by town
                              or name and obtain quick directions using the google   products you sell will create more activity and SALES!
                                                                          Each supplier can have one free product source listing,
                              map function.                               and  then  they  can  choose  to  list  additional  product
                                 The  app  is  available  for  download  on  both  an   categories for a small fee. Please contact us to update
                              iPhone and an Android phone simply by obtaining the   your product listings.
                              access code from our office for the free copy and any   We recognize that some will adapt to (and use) the
                              additional  copies.  DO  NOT  DOWNLOAD  FROM  THE   app  efficiently  and  other  members  will  warm  up  to
                              ANDROID OR IPHONE STORE, IT IS A PRIVATE APP!  the  technology  as  they  learn  of  its  functionality.  For
                                 Advertising  opportunities  are  available  on  the  app   members it is a FREE download ,so give it a try!

        6  LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2022                                                  
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