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Industry NEWS

              castle announcements           map,  this  time  New  Liskeard.  North  Wood   I also wanted to remain independent. I found
                                             Homes  is  a  well-known  home  improvement   this  opportunity  with  Castle  and  they  were
                                             retailer and custom home builder within the   exactly what I was looking for. Castle makes
                                             picturesque Temiskaming Shores area.   my success a priority. They give me the power
                                               The  business  was  founded  in  2016  by   of  a  strong  buying  group  and  allow  me  to
                                             Jared Fleming with the initial goal of building   retain my independence.”  Guy Rioux, Owner
                                             and  renovating  quality  homes  in  the  area.   Guy  is  looking  forward  to  the  increased
                                             After  joining  forces  with  Sargeant  Custom   potential for growth and a larger assortment
                           Bruce Holman to   Carpentry a few years later, Jared and partner
                           Retire            Dan  Sargeant  have  experienced  exponential   of products. Guy and his team of professionals
                              After  nearly  two   growth.  Their  business  took  a  new  direction   are excited to begin serving their customers
                           decades  of  service   with  the  opening  of  a  premiere  retail  sales   as  the  newest  Castle  Building  Centre  in  the
                           with Castle Building   location in downtown New Liskeard, including   area.
                           Centres  Group,  the   a  large  consumer  showroom.  The  duo  have   “Independent entrepreneurs want to keep
                           Castle  family  will   plans  to  expand  their  retail  presence  in  the   their  finger  on  the  pulse  of  their  business.
                           bid  a  fond  farewell   coming year with the opening of a new retail   Their  independence  is  a  priority  and  they
                           this  summer  to  the   space in a prime location.     need  a  buying  group  that  promises  them
                           one and only Bruce     “We  are  thrilled  to  come  on  board  as   this  flexibility,  along  with  a  competitive
                           Holman!  Bruce  has   a  new  member  of  Castle  Building  Centres   advantage.  Castle  delivers  on  this  promise.
                           made  the  decision   Group! We believe this is the start of a long-  We would like to welcome Distribution Rioux
                           to  retire  at  the  end   lasting  relationship  with  a  great  group  of   to the Castle Family.”  Ken Jenkins, President
        of August and begin the next chapter of his   people!” Dan Sargeant, Vice President   & CEO
        life along with lovely wife Corrinne.   Partnering  with  Castle  Building  Centres
           Bruce  has  played  an  integral  role  in  the   Group will provide new opportunities for the   jeld-wen of canada awarded
        success  of  Castle  and  over  the  years  has   North  Wood  Homes  team.  They  are  looking   energy star 2022 manufacturer
        helped to nurture and grow the Castle family.   forward to serving the community with their   of the year
        His  unforgettable  presence  and  unique   knowledgeable  staff  and  the  region’s  best
        approach will be remembered and missed by   products and service.
        his beloved members, vendor associates and     “Entrepreneurs  that  recognize  growth
        his Castle colleagues.               opportunities  will  prosper.  Castle  offers
             Castle  is  pleased  to  announce  the   unique  business  models  like  North  Wood
        promotion  of  Doug  Keeling  who  will   Homes  unlimited  growth  potential  and
        transition into the role of Director of Business   confidence  in  the  future  success  of  their
        Development for Castle as of September 1st,   business.” Ken Jenkins, Castle President
        2022.                                  Castle would like to welcome North Wood
                              Doug  is  a  Castle   Homes to the family.
                           veteran  with  14
                           years   of   service   The Castle Quebec Network Continues to
                           under  his  belt.  He   Grow!
                           currently   serves   Castle  Building  Centres  Group  is  pleased
                           as   the   Business   to  announce  the  addition  of  another  new
                           De v elopment     member in the province of Québec. Located in   JELD-WEN® of Canada, a subsidiary of JELD-
                           Manager      for   the scenic region of Temiscouata, Distribution   WEN Holding, Inc. (NYSE:JELD), has again been
                           Ontario  and  brings   Rioux in Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha! is the newest   named  the  ENERGY  STAR®  Manufacturer  of
                           extensive   retail   Castle location on the map.       the Year in the Windows and Doors category
                           and  supplier-based   Founded  in  2015,  Distribution  Rioux  has   for 2022. The ENERGY STAR Canada Awards
                           experience  to  the   two  locations  in  the  region,  St-Louis  and   recognize  organizations  that  have  made
                           role.  He  has  spent   Degelis.  Founder,  Guy  Rioux,  who  operates   outstanding  contributions  to  protecting
        many  years  cultivating  strong  relationships   two  other  businesses  including  a  sawmill   the  environment  through  superior  energy
        with  Castle  members,  vendor  partners  and   in  the  area,  is  a  dynamic  independent   achievements.  JELD-WEN  of  Canada  has
        his fellow business development team. Doug   entrepreneur who is very much involved in his   won the manufacturer of the year award six
        brings a fresh perspective to his new role.  community.                   times  over  the  last  decade  bringing  their
            Please join Castle in congratulating both   “As a business owner, I like to take a hands-  total  ENERGY  STAR®  award  count  to  nine.
        Bruce  Holman  and  Doug  Keeling  on  their   on  approach  and  be  100%  in  control  of   The ENERGY STAR program is internationally
        future endeavours.                   managing things myself. I was looking to be   recognized, and the symbol is known broadly
        Castle Community Grows in Ontario    part  of  a  buying  group  that  will  deliver  the   by  consumers  as  a  trusted  mark  for  high
           Castle  announced  today  that  they  have   support I need to help my business grow, but   efficiency products.
        added  another  new  location  to  the  Ontario                               “As  an  industry  leader,  the  JELD-WEN

        10  LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2022                                                 
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