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Industry NEWS

        Office and Garden Retailers category and third   their communities. As a school, the Gustavson   honourees are selected based on criteria such
        on the list of Canada’s Top 10 Most Trusted   School of Business is uniquely positioned   as:  completed  innovative  and  remarkable
        Brands.                              to both evaluate brand values and educate   work;  significant  contributions  to  education
           “To  be  named  Canada’s  Most  Trusted   on their importance to consumer trust in   or  associations  that  support  the  retail
        Home  Retailer  for  the  second  consecutive   today’s society. Comprising top researchers   community; and being an all-around stand out
        year  and  one  of  the  Most  Trusted  Brands   in their fields, the GBTI team measures overall   in the industry.
        in  Canada  is  a  true  honour  for  Home   consumer trust in brands and emphasizes the   Winners  will  be  recognized  at  an  awards
        Hardware,”  said  Kevin  Macnab,  President   role of brand values in its study of almost 400   celebration  in  Chicago  in  May  during  the
        and  CEO,  Home  Hardware  Stores  Limited.   brands across Canada        Retail Innovation Conference & Expo and will
        “The  independent  Dealer-Owners  of  our                                 be profiled on the Retail TouchPoints’ site and
        close to 1,100 stores across the country have   Home Hardware Leader Recognized in Retail   newsletter in July 2022.
        always been committed to helping customers   TouchPoints’ 40 Under 40 Report
        with  their  home  renovation  projects,  big   Home Hardware Stores Limited is pleased   About Retail TouchPoints
        or  small.  This  recognition  is  a  testament   to  announce  Melanie  Beatty,  eCommerce   Retail TouchPoints (RTP)  is  an  online
        to  not  only  the  exceptional  service  our   Omni-Channel  Manager  at  Home  Hardware   publishing network for retail executives,
        Dealers strive to provide each day, but to the          Stores  Limited,  has   offering content focused on optimizing
        strong  relationships  they  have  built  in  their     been   recognized   the  customer  experience  across  all
        communities.”                                           with  a  2022  Retail   channels.  RTP  provides  an  array  of  editorial
           The  GBTI,  released  annually  by  the              TouchPoints   40   opportunities and content designed to guide
        University  of  Victoria’s  Peter  B.  Gustavson        Under  40  award.   retail companies in  their  quest  for  long-
        School  of  Business,  surveyed  more  than             This       award   term  success.  Focusing  on  the  importance  of
        9,000 Canadians on 402 national and global              celebrates  the  retail   thinking innovatively in a new media climate,
        brands and 10 regional brands, in 33 different          industry’s  top  40   we provide optimal vehicles to share industry
        categories.  The  survey  measured  overall             shining  stars  under   insights and announcements, such as digital
        brand trust and three dimensions of trust that          the  age  of  40  who   newsletters, video and audio podcasts.
        influence  whether  consumers  recommend                have   completed    Each month, in the digital newsletter and
        a  brand  to  their  networks  including  brand         innovative   and   on the web site, we publish Special Reports
        authenticity, brand ability, and brand affinity.        remarkable work.  and Features targeted to the hottest industry
           “Our  research  reinforces  the  notion   “I want to congratulate Melanie Beatty on   trends, such as BOPIS, personalization,
        that  Canadians  have  an  acute  awareness  of   being  named  among  this  impressive  list  of   mobile-first  marketing  and  omnichannel
        whether  a  brand  is  truly  responsive  to  their   young retail innovators,” said Kevin Macnab,   alignment. RTP also conducts exclusive industry
        needs,”  said  Saul  Klein,  Dean,  Gustavson   President  and  CEO,  Home  Hardware  Stores   research, uncovering insights and tactics to
        School  of  Business.  “Home  Hardware  is   Limited. “Home Hardware is fortunate to have   help retailers create winning strategies. More
        an  iconic  Canadian  brand  that  continues   talented and skilled leaders like Melanie who   information about the company is available at
        to  earn  the  trust  of  consumers,  making  it  a   not only drive our business forward, but also
        retailer of choice when it comes to the home   empower and support those in their field.”
        improvement needs of Canadians.”       Melanie Beatty has been a member of the   AboutHomeHardwareStoresLimited
           “Customers in communities across Canada   Home Hardware team since 2004 and brings   Home Hardware Stores Limited is Canada’s
        rely  on  their  local  Home  Hardware  to  help   over 20 years of experience to her role which   largest  Dealer-owned  hardware,  lumber,
        them with everything from emergency repairs   involves  leading  the  digital  roadmap  for   building materials, and furniture home
        and  home  renovations  to  DIY  projects  and   Home’s  eCommerce  strategy.  She  has  been   improvement retailer with close to 1,100 stores
        property  maintenance,”  said  Kevin  Macnab.   instrumental in the planning and execution of   under the Home Hardware, Home Building
        “As  small  business  owners  who  care  deeply   projects such as the rollout of ship-to-home,   Centre, Home Hardware Building Centre and
        about  the  communities  they  serve,  our   the  redesign  of  Home  Hardware’s  website   Home Furniture banners. Founded in1964
        Dealers take great pride in the trust they have   to  create  a  more  harmonized  shopping   in rural St. Jacobs, Ontario, Home Hardware
        built with their customers.”         experience,  and  the  launch  of  a  unified   remains 100% Canadian owned and operated.
                                             commerce platform.                   Through the Home Hardware network, Dealer-
        About the Gustavson Brand Trust Index  “I  am  truly  honoured  to  receive  this   Owners have extensive distribution and
           The Gustavson Brand Trust Index (GBTI)   recognition and proud to be named alongside   marketing capabilities as  well  as access  to
        is the only study done by an academic   other  accomplished  young  professionals   thousands of quality, brand name and private
        institution that investigates consumer trust,   in  the  retail  industry,”  said  Melanie  Beatty,   label products. Home Hardware Stores Limited
        the  factors  that  affect  it  and  the  brands   eCommerce  Omni-Channel  Manager,  Home   has received designation  as one of Canada’s
        that  succeed  at  it.Establishedin  2015,  Hardware Stores Limited. “I’ve been fortunate   Best Brands and Best Managed Companies and
        theGBTIchampionsresponsible  management  to  learn  and  grow  from  fellow  eCommerce   is committed to helping Canadians with all of
        within  organizations  through  its  findings,   professionalswho  have  all  guided  my  ability   their project needs. More information about the
        highlighting the increased need for 21st   to drive results and foster new ideas.”  company is available at
        century businesses to contribute positively to   Retail   TouchPoints’   40   Under   40

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