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Industry NEWS
stores have collected over $3.2 experience while reducing wait
million for CMN. All funds raised times and freeing up our associates
were given directly to children’s to focus on serving our customers
hospitals in the province they were on the floor," said Malcolm Parks,
collected and have helped over Senior Vice-President, Stores.
150,000 kids in Canada. "Despite working through a period
marked by IT hardware shortages,
About Children’s Miracle Network our new technology was conceived,
Children’s Miracle Network® developed, and rolled out in record
raises funds and awareness for 170 timing and under challenging
member hospitals, 14 of which are in circumstances. This award is
Canada. Donations stay local to fund dedicated to the hundreds of
critical treatments and healthcare associates across our network who
services, purchase pediatric medical stepped up to this huge opportunity
equipment, and support research. to enhance our customer checkout
Its various fundraising partners and experience.”
programs support our mission to Myredvest’s success positions
save and improve the lives of as many Lowe’s Canada to develop more
children as possible. Visit our website in-house products that enhance
to learn more about our cause. In the customer journey. “We are
Canada, Children’s Miracle Network is working together to bring forward-
managed and operated by Canada’s looking projects to life that
Children’s Hospital Foundations®. better serve our customers,” said Christian Castonguay, Divisional
Vice-President, Infrastructure
Lowe's Canada’s In-House and Applications, IT at Lowe’s
Innovation Rewarded During the Canada. “Myredvest’s underlying
2022 Retail Council of Canada's technology is now the cornerstone
Excellence in Retailing Awards Gala of our technological vision as we
Lowe’s Canada, one of Canada’s move forward with developing new
leading home improvement retailers generations of next-level customer
operating or servicing some 450 resources.”
corporate and affiliated stores under This is Lowe’s Canada’s fourth
different banners, proudly accepted RCC award in the last five years.
an award for the In-Store Experience During the 2021 Gala, Lowe’s
& Design category (tied) during the Canada was awarded ex-aequo the
Retail Council of Canada’s (RCC) RCC’s Omni-Channel Award for its
Excellence in Retailing Awards Gala. commitment to improving customer
This event celebrates Canada’s retail experience on every channel. storefronts in all retail formats, including department, grocery,
innovators and game changers by RCC finalists and award winners specialty, discount, independent retailers, and online merchants.
spotlighting accomplishments, new are selected after an extensive
ideas, and the very best in Canadian consideration by a jury of retail
retail leadership industry experts. About Lowe’s Canada
The award for In-Store Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE: LOW) is a FORTUNE® 50
Experience & Design recognizes About Retail Council of Canada home improvement company serving approximately 19 million
Lowe’s Canada’s implementation of Retail is Canada's largest private- customer transactions a week in the United States and Canada.
myredvest, an innovative self-serve sector employer with over 2 million With fiscal year 2021 sales of over $96 billion, Lowe’s and
and assisted checkout solution that Canadians working in our industry. its related businesses operate or service nearly 2,200 home
adds value to the in-store shopping The sector annually generates over improvement and hardware stores and employ over 300,000
experience. Multiple teams $78 billion in total compensation. associates. Based in Boucherville, Quebec, Lowe’s Canadian
across Lowe’s Canada designed Core retail sales (excluding vehicles business, together with its wholly owned subsidiary RONA inc.,
and developed this user-friendly and gasoline) were over $433B operates or services some 450 corporate and independent affiliate
platform in-house and delivered in 2021. Retail Council of Canada dealer stores in a number of complementary formats under
it to customers and associates at (RCC) members represent more different banners, which include Lowe’s, RONA, Reno-Depot, and
51 Lowe’s, RONA, and Réno-Dépôt than two-thirds of core retail sales Dick’s Lumber. In Canada, they have more than 26,000 associates,
stores in Canada in under two years. in the country. RCC is a not-for- in addition to approximately 5,000 employees in the stores of
"With our omnichannel mindset, profit industry-funded association independent affiliate dealers operating under the RONA banner.
we are always looking for ways to that represents small, medium, For more information, visit
offer an optimized and seamless and large retail businesses in every
customer experience across all community across the country. As
channels. Myredvest provides the Voice of Retail™ in Canada, we
a simple and easy checkout proudly represent more than 45,000 LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2022 17