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Industry NEWS

        •  Improving  the  energy  efficiency  of  its
          facilities by installing energy management
          systems  and  upgrading  lighting  systems
          to LEDs, which represent an investment of
          some $30 million, with a goal of reducing
          greenhouse  gases  (GHGs)  by  40%  from
          2016 levels by 2025, and 60% by 2030.
        •  Phasing out of single-use plastic shopping
          bags in all Lowe’s, RONA, and Réno-Dépôt
          stores by summer 2022, a first in the home
          improvement retail sector in Canada.
        •  Integrating  monitoring  tools  for  waste
          management  in  order  to  reach  a  75%
          diversion rate for these materials by 2025.
           “Sustainability  is  a  top  priority  at
        Lowe’s  Canada,  and  we  make  it  everyone’s
        business,”  added  Lussier.  “Our  associates
        play  a  key  role  in  achieving  our  goals,  and
        each  person’s  individual  contribution  makes
        all  the  difference  in  our  strategy’s  success.”
        Lowe’s  Canada  is  also  in  the  midst  of  a
        hiring campaign to fill thousands of roles as
        it  approaches  its  busiest  season.  Those   opportunities,”  explains  Nadine  Chiasson,   Québec,”  said  Mélanie  Lussier,  Director,
        interested in joining an employer who shares   Director, Talent Acquisition at Lowe’s Canada.   External  Communications  and  Sustainable
        their  environmental  values  can  visit  https://  “We strongly value internal growth at Lowe’s   Development  at  Lowe’s  Canada.  “This  to  view  available   Canada,  and  our  store  associates  are  an   award speaks to our associates’ passion and
        positions and apply.                 excellent  talent  pool  for  our  head  office   dedication  toward  helping  the  communities
                                             positions.  This  is  a  great  opportunity  for   we serve and where we live. I am incredibly
        About Mediacorp Canada Inc.          students  who  would  like  to  continue  their   touched by our capacity to work together to
           Founded in 1992, Mediacorp Canada Inc. is   career with us after graduation.”  achieve  extraordinary  outcomes  in  difficult
        the  nation’s  largest  publisher  of  employment   Those  interested  in  a  job  in  a  RONA  or   times for such an important cause.”
        periodicals. Since 1999, the Toronto-based   Réno-Dépôt  store  can  visit  a  store  to  apply.
        publisher has managed the Canada’s Top 100   They may even get an interview on the spot   Above and beyond for sick children and their
        Employers project, which includes 18 regional   with a manager.           families in Canada
        and special-interest editorial competitions                                 When  Lowe’s  Canada’s  2021  fundraising
        that reach over 15 million Canadians annually   Wall-to-wall opportunities  campaign  came  under  pressure  due  to  the
        through a variety of magazine and newspaper   In  addition  to  in-store  positions,  Lowe’s   COVID-19  pandemic,  the  organization  made
        partners, including The Globe and Mail.   Canada  is  currently  recruiting  for  seasonal   a  generous  $300,000  corporate  donation  to
        Mediacorp  also  operates,  one  of   positions  at  its  Boucherville  distribution   make up for lost campaign progress. Despite
        Canada’s largest job search engines, which   centre. With a very competitive starting salary   pandemic-related  restrictions  and  store
        reaches millions of  job seekers  annually and   and  a  Monday  to  Friday  work  schedule,  this   closures  in  certain  provinces,  and  thanks
        features editorial reviews from the Canada’s   distribution centre offers attractive conditions   to  the  impressive  customers’  generosity,
        Top 100 Employers project.           for students in the Greater Montreal area.  store  teams’  dedication,  and  the  corporate
                                                                                  donation,  the  campaign  bounced  back
        A Summer Job That Could Lead to a    Lowe's Canada Named 2021 Canadian    stronger  than  ever,  leading  to  a  record-
        Successful Career                    Corporate Partner of the Year by Children’s   breaking  year.  In  addition,  later  in  the  fall,
           As   the   home   improvement   and   Miracle Network                  Lowe’s Canada raised an extra $360,000 for
        construction  industry  enters  its  busiest   Lowe’s  Canada  is  proud  to  be  named   CMN during its 2021 Vendor Forum.
        season,  Lowe’s  Canada,  one  of  Canada’s   Canadian  Corporate  Partner  of  the  Year   "A huge thank-you goes to our associates,
        leading   home   improvement   retailers   by  Children’s  Miracle  Network  (CMN)   customers,  and  network  of  corporate  and
        operating  or  servicing  some  450  corporate   for  2021.  This  award  recognizes  Lowe’s   affiliated  dealer  stores  for  your  efforts  and
        and affiliated stores under different banners,   Canada’s  innovative  approach,  as  well  as  its   generosity,"  added  Mélanie  Lussier.  "Every
        is  looking  for  some  500  people  to  fill   extraordinary  resourcefulness  and  capacity   contribution  makes  a  difference  to  the
        positions in its RONA and Réno-Dépôt stores   to  collaborate  to  support  hospitals  for  sick   thousands of children we’ve supported across
        in Québec.                           children across the country.         Canada in the last four years of running this
           “What’s  great  about  working  in  our   "Despite  circumstances  in  the  last   campaign."
        Québec  stores  is  that  our  head  office  is  in   two  years,  which  made  fundraising  more
        Boucherville, on the South Shore of Montreal.   challenging than ever, we broke our previous   Impressive support for CMN
        We  offer  much  more  than  a  summer  job  to   record  and  donated  over  $1.2  million   Since  2018,  Lowe’s  Canada’s  network  of
        Québec students. We offer them a gateway to   in  2021  for  CMN’s  Canadian  member   stores,  including  Lowe’s,  RONA,  and  Réno-
        our vast network with many long-term career   hospitals  and  Opération  Enfant  Soleil  in   Dépôt  corporate  and  participating  affiliated

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