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P. 21
No limitation. Pick the right level of disclosure. security risk; however, employers
Bill 88 does not impose a limit on Organizations typically keep security should be aware of the risk and
electronic monitoring, which is controls confidential to protect not take the Bill as an invitation to
permissible in Ontario absent an against adversary behaviour called disclose too much. We see no reason,
express contractual or collective “threat shifting” - the shifting of for example, to identify software
agreement restriction. Such tactics to circumvent existing, known make to comply. This simple table
monitoring restrictions are rare in controls. The disclosure that Bill that sets out the information as
most sectors. Note that unionized 88 requires is unlikely to create a follows should suffice (see below).
employers continue to face the
possibility of grievances alleging
that monitoring constitutes a privacy Tool Circumstances How Purpose
violation under their collective “EDR” monitors the use
agreements, though most unionized of workstations (programs
employers are already transparent run, files read and written,
about their use of monitoring Endpoint etc.) and compares it Network
technologies. detection and Continuous against a baseline to security
List network security tools. detect abnormalities and
Bill 88 does not distinguish between potential unauthorized
monitoring via software installed use.
on “endpoints” (workstations and On board sensors detect
handhelds) and other network and report on vehicle
devices, and most employers now All fleet location, driver behaviour Fleet
compile and use a wide range of Vehicle vehicles (hard braking, rapid management
data for network security purposes. Telematics during on acceleration, etc.) and and driver
Employers should list applications safety and
regardless of where they are installed shift use engine diagnostics. For security
on the network. more information see our
Vehicle Telematics Policy. LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2022 21