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Industry NEWS

          torbsa announces merger with       and core values that align with our own. Their   About AD
                                                                                    AD is the largest contractor and industrial
          north american buying group 'ad'   scale and expertise across North America give   products wholesale buying group in North
                                             us the strength to compete and succeed in an
                                             ever-changing marketplace,” Williams said.   America providing independent distributors
                                                                                  and manufacturers of construction and
                                             About TORBSA                         industrial products with support and resources
                                               In operation since 1966, TORBSA Limited   that accelerate growth. Their  845-plus
                                             is a $600 million+ Shareholder owned   independent member owners span 13 divisions
                                             organization, with 47 member locations across   in the U.S., Mexico and Canada with annual
                                             Canada.  Owned  100%  by  its  Shareholders,   sales exceeding $58.5 billion. AD’s 13 divisions
                                             the business is aimed to help Canadian   cover industries including electrical, industrial,
        TORBSA Limited and AD, a leading contractor
        and wholesale buying group, are announcing   entrepreneurs succeed in the sale of building   safety, bearings and power transmission,
        an agreement to merge the two groups. The   materials and hardware. TORBSA shareholders   plumbing, PVF, HVAC, decorative brands and
        merger is expected to close July 1, 2022.   retain their full independence and have full   building  supplies.  For  more  information,  visit
           “The  decision  to  align  our  business  with   exposure to all rebate programs, with its
        AD was one that was scrutinized thoroughly,”   vendors. For more information, visit www.
        President  of  TORBSA,  Paul  Williams  stated.
        “TORBSA  and  its  shareholders  are  truly
        excited  at  the  road  ahead,  as  we  lay  the
        foundation  for  what  will  be  many  years  of   taiga's "you don't need luck" ad wins coveted telly award in 2022
        success as a business.”
           Rob  Dewar,  President  of  AD  Canada,
        discussed  how  TORBSA’s  strong  leadership
        and financial success made the buying group
        an ideal match for AD.
           “TORBSA has been a leader in this space
        for  a  long  time,  and  our  new  relationship
        will  help  us  provide  more  benefits  for
        members,  including  an  increased  supplier
        portfolio,”  Dewar  said.  “We  both  share  a
        passion for serving independents and helping
        them  thrive  in  competitive  markets,  and
        we’re  honoured  to  have  them  join  the  AD
           The merger will create a new division: AD
        Canada – Building Supplies. TORBSA President
        Paul  Williams  will  head  the  division  while
        reporting  to  Dewar,  and  three  additional
        TORBSA employees will join the AD team.
           AD  Chairman  and  CEO  Bill  Weisberg
        talked about how this merger deepens AD’s
        presence  in  Canada  and  marks  another                                 best work created within television and across
        significant  point  of  growth  for  AD.  “A  key                         video, for all screens. Receiving over 12,000
        priority  for  us  in  recent  years  has  been                           entries  from  all  50  states  and  5  continents,
        growing  our  presence  in  Canada,  and  our                             Telly  Award  winners  represent  work  from
        leadership  team  has  done  an  amazing  job                             some  of  the  most  respected  advertising
        identifying  opportunities  and  expanding                                agencies,  television  stations,  production
        our  multi-divisional  footprint.  With  a   We  wanted  to  share  some  good  news!   companies  and  publishers  from  around  the
        new  Canadian  division  and  multiple  new   Our  ‘You  don’t  need  luck’  ad,  which  was   world. The Telly Awards recognizes work that
        associates  coming  on  board,  the  future   produced in collaboration with our marketing   has been created on the behalf of a client, for
        continues  to  look  bright  for  AD  Canada,”   agency  TAG  and  Lamplight  Productions,  was   a  specific  brand  and/or  company  (including
        Weisberg said.                       recognized  during  the  43rd  annual  Telly   your  own)  or  self-  directed  as  a  creative
           Williams commented on AD’s reputation in   Awards and awarded Bronze in the category   endeavour.
        the industry and how the merger will support   of Non-Broadcast: General-Sales.  Enter  "Taiga  You  Don't  Need  Luck"  into
        Canadian  independents.  “AD  brings  decades                             the  Youtube  search  bar  to  view  the  award-
        of  experience,  strong  leadership  throughout   What are the Telly Awards?  winning ad for yourself!
        the organization, with strong business ethics   The Telly Awards annually showcases the

        12  LBMAO Reporter - May-June 2022                                                 
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