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Industry NEWS
NEWS FROM HOME HARDWARE space. BeautiTone is the #1 Canadian-owned and
“Glow Up”, a radiant yellow that is as Canadian-made retail paint brand, sold
bright as Barbie’s dreams, adds a burst of exclusively at Home Hardware, Home Building
sunshine to a playroom, and “Career Goals” Centre and Home Hardware Building Centre
is a muted blue that brings a sense of stores across Canada. BeautiTone includes
calmness and offers a more sophisticated Designer, Signature, Pure, Wood-Shield, PRO
transformation in any room. and specialty products. BeautiTone has made
“We are excited to partner with top quality paints and home products since
BeautiTone Launches the Barbie™ BeautiTone, exclusively at Home Hardware 1980, and by providing expert advice and
Dreamhouse™ Colour Collection to and Building Centres, to bring the colours designer results, has earned Home Hardware
Celebrate 60 Years of Giving Dreams a Home of the Barbie Dreamhouse to Canadians’ a reputation as Canada’s Paint Experts. More
homes,” said Jennifer Gileno, Head of information about BeautiTone and Home
Licensing at Mattel Canada. “For the last 60 Hardware is available at
years, the Barbie Dreamhouse has been a
spectacular home that allows kids to immerse About Mattel
themselves in Barbie’s world and gives them Mattel is a leading global toy company
the room to dream. The curated colours in and owner of one of the strongest catalogs of
this collection were created to continue children’s and family entertainment franchises
inspiring imaginative play, beyond the Barbie in the world. Visit them online at
Dreamhouse, in the homes of those who love
Barbie.” Home Hardware’s “Homecoming” Event
To bring the campaign to life, BeautiTone Comes to Toronto
is working with well-known designer and Massive-scale Dealer Event Exemplifies
television host, Tiffany Pratt, to share how the Canadian Retail Icon’s Strategic Transformation
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the colour collection can be used within various Home Hardware Stores Limited is bringing
Barbie™ Dreamhouse™, BeautiTone, the areas of any home. its largest Dealer event to Toronto, September
number one Canadian-made and Canadian- “I’ve always been inspired by the colours 23 to 25. The event, “Homecoming”, will host
owned retail paint brand, has partnered of Barbie’s world and fell in love with her close to 3,000 Dealer-Owners, store staff,
with Mattel Canada to release a curated back in 1983. Loving You Barbie™, complete Suppliers, business partners and corporate
collection of Barbie-inspired paint colours. with her heart-adorned gown, was my staff at the Enercare Centre, making it one of
Chosen for their playfulness and liveability, constant companion,” reminisces Pratt. Canada’s largest home improvement retailer
the BeautiTone Barbie Dreamhouse Colour “The BeautiTone Barbie Dreamhouse Colour events.
Collection aims to inspire Canadians and help Collection has something for everyone so Covering thousands of square feet of
them bring their dreams – and dream home – anyone can create their own space to bring trade show exhibit, meeting and social
to life. From kids’ bedrooms, to living rooms their dreams to life. From the kid’s room to space, attendees will be given the tools and
and the playroom, the collection includes the kitchen, adding flashes of colour brings opportunities to strengthen partnerships and
colours to inspire every room in the home. energy and joy to the home.” share knowledge within Home Hardware’s
“We are thrilled to partner with Mattel to The BeautiTone Barbie Dreamhouse Colour network.
celebrate 60 years of the Barbie Dreamhouse Collection is available exclusively at Home “We are taking a successful Home
by offering Canadians a playful way to Hardware, Home Building Centre and Home Hardware tradition that started in 1963 and
beautify their homes through colour.” said Hardware Building Centre locations across elevating it to meet the evolving needs of
Laura Baker, Chief Marketing Officer, Home Canada. Colours are available in BeautiTone’s our Dealers, as well as our brand’s growth
Hardware Stores Limited. “Through our line Designer, Signature, Pure and PRO paint lines. and business strategy,” explained Rob
of BeautiTone paint colours, we aim to inspire For more information, and to visualize the Wallace, Chief Retail Operations Officer,
Canadians of all generations to rethink their Barbie Dreamhouse Colour Collection, visit Home Hardware Stores Limited. “As the retail
use of colour and create living spaces where industry and consumer shopping habits
they feel confident, energized and inspired.” continue to shift, we too are shifting to ensure
The BeautiTone Barbie Dreamhouse About BeautiTone Paint and Home Products our close to 1,100 independent Dealer-
Colour Collection is comprised of 13 colours, Division Owners in communities across Canada remain
each with its own Barbie-inspired persona. This division of Home Hardware Stores perfectly positioned to help Canadians with
In addition to the classic Barbie pink seen Limited is headquartered in Burford, all their home improvement needs now and
throughout her iconic Dreamhouse, the colour Ontario and is one of the most modern paint into the future.”
collection offers vibrant hues that have the manufacturing facilities in North America. The event will include strategic updates
potential to incite a child’s imagination and BeautiTone Paint and Home Products and training sessions for Dealer-Owners and
transport them into the world of Barbie. distributes a full range of private label store staff, an impressive tradeshow featuring
The collection also includes approachable products, including BeautiTone paints and a Home’s Supplier-Partners, social activities,
neutrals and pastels that can complement any wide range of aerosol and cleaning products. keynote speakers and a celebration dinner to
10 LBMAO Reporter - July-August2022