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Message from the CHAIR
hello from your new chair!
rebecca gravelle ello everyone. My name is Rebecca Gravelle tournaments still to come (Barrie and London) so
Wood Works of Hand I’m your new Chairperson of the Board of be sure to check out the website for details and we
Renfrew Ltd, Renfrew Directors! As our regular readers are aware, it is hope to see you there!
customary for the Chair to write an address for the We also have our Annual Cool Car Ride back up
Reporter and update everyone on what has been and running this year. It will be held on August
going on with the Board. I appreciate your patience, 11th starting at the Elm Hurst Inn in Ingersoll and
please bear with me as I get used to this. I will have promises to be a great event as always. And again,
big shoes to fill, taking over from former Chair Ron if some of these other events have also occurred
Schell’s witty and honest remarks, but I will do my by the time this makes it to you, please forgive me;
best. He is greatly missed by all of us on the Board regardless of which events you are or aren’t able to
and I will do my best to make him proud! make it to, we greatly appreciate your support to be
I was officially sworn in as Chair at our Annual able to keep them going year after year. They are a
General Meeting on May 19th, 2022 and have great opportunity for us all to get together and catch
been hard at it ever since. The AGM was virtual up.
once again this year. Thanks to I know at least out my way, in the Ottawa Valley,
everyone who was able to attend. this summer has certainly been a scorcher so I hope
"We have been Here’s hoping next year we’ll be everyone has been keeping cool! I couldn’t be more
meeting on Zoom able to be back to an in-person thankful for my central air…or jealous of those of
event once again! One main by-law
you with pools. I hope too, that business has been
for my entire was changed at this year’s AGM, going well for you. My family’s two Castle Building
allowing supplier members to sit on Centre locations continue to be plagued by some
time on the Board the Executive Committee as Vice- of the supply and staffing shortages that we have
so, as my tenure Chairperson or Chairperson – so with been experiencing for two years, though thankfully
that, I would also like to welcome on a much lesser scale. We continue to learn every
continues, I can't Ms. Barb Scheering as the new Vice- day how to operate in this new environment;
wait to meet more Chair of the Association. Two ladies and I couldn’t be more grateful for our amazing
as the Chair and Vice-Chair of the customers, staff, community and vendor partners.
and more of you in Association – AMAZING! I’m sure that’s the case for many of my fellow
person." Our first golf tournament of the retailers (and suppliers) too!
season (Eastern Ontario District) was I’ll sign off for now just by extending my sincere
held on June 29th at Smuggler’s Glen thanks to Past Chair Ken Forbes, the entire Board
Golf Course in Gananoque, and it was a beautiful of Directors, and the staff in the office for all their
day! Thanks so much to everyone who was able to support and encouragement as I transition into this
make it out. It was so great to see so many of you new role. We have been meeting on Zoom for my
in person - and meet some of you for the first time. entire time on the Board so, as my tenure continues,
My foursome may not have won, but we certainly I can’t wait to meet more and more of you in person.
had a memorable day! This was my first LBMAO My family entered this industry only 6 years
Golf Tournament ever and it’s one I certainly won’t ago; and every day I continue to be amazed by the
forget. welcoming and supportive community we have in
The second tournament of the season (Northern this industry. We are so fortunate! And please feel
Ontario District) was held at Timberwolf Golf Club free to reach out to me personally at any time if I
in Sudbury. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make that one can be of any assistance to you. Cheers, and thanks
in person, but I’m sure it was a great day as well. again!
At the time I’m writing this, there are two more
4 LBMAO Reporter - July-August 2022