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Industry NEWS

        Testimonials                         residential  and  commercial
           “As we head into a new hockey season, it’s   construction.  Bernie  also
        our team’s goal to enter into a big tournament   brings  a  special  relationship
        across the country. Money from the grant will   and  knowledge  of  Home
        go toward renting a bus for the team and  Hardware  as  his  parents
           their families to make this a really special   became  Dealer-Owners  in
        trip. After two years of altered hockey seasons   1967.
        due to COVID, it would make this year extra   Chris   Marinis   was
        special  and  one  the  girls  will  remember  for   promoted  to  the  role  of
        a  lifetime!”  –  U15  Cambridge  Roadrunners   Vice-President,  Information
        Hockey Team, Cambridge, Ontario      Technology,    effective
           “These  U15  girls  have  been  playing  rep/  Monday,   September   19,
        travel  softball  together  for  five  years  now.   2022.  Chris  Marinis  was
        They  travel  throughout  Atlantic  Canada   previously  Senior  Director,
        playing  in  tournaments.  This  year  we  are   Business  Solutions  and  has
        travelling  to  Montreal  for  a  tournament  and   been  with  Home  Hardware
        it’s the furthest we’ve gone. These girls train   for two years.
        year-round  and  work  hard.  We  will  put  the   Chris   Parsons   was
        money towards training costs for the team.”   promoted  to  Senior  Director,
        –  U15  Cole  Harbour  Comets  Softball  Team,   Omni-Channel Marketing and
        Dartmouth, Nova Scotia               Strategic  Insights,  effective
           The fall Play More Matching Grant is open   September  13,  2022.  Chris
        to youth sports teams across Canada and will   joined   Home   Hardware
        be available from September 6 to November   in   2019   as   Director,
        25, 2022.                            eCommerce  and  has  more
                                             than 19 years of experience
        About FlipGive                       in  digital  marketing.  He  has
        Founded in 2016, FlipGive offers youth sports   been instrumental in driving
        teams free tools to make and manage money   the  strategic  direction  of   Kevin Macnab and Marianne Thompson at Homecoming 2022
        so  they  can  play  more  and  spend  less.  From   Home  Hardware’s  online
        preseason  to  postseason,  teams  shop  and   digital  strategy  and  most   Chief  Commercial  Officer,  Marianne  will
        earn cashback toward expenses, manage their   recently led the successful launch of our Ship-  continue to oversee Merchandising, with the
        banking and budget, collect fee payments, and   to-home program.          addition of Marketing, Supply Chain and Retail
        more. Teams across North America have earned   Melanie  Beatty  was  promoted  to  Director,   Operations.    She  will  continue  to  report  to
        $30M  and  counting.  FlipGive  is  a  certified   eCommerce,   effective   September   13,   Kevin Macnab, President and CEO.
        B-Corporation.  For  more  information,  please   2022. Melanie Beatty joined Home Hardware   Marianne joined Home Hardware in 2019
        visit                  in  2004  and  has  played  an  integral  role   as  Vice-President,  Merchandise  LBM.  She
                                             in  leading  the  digital  roadmap  for  our   was  appointed  to  Senior  Vice-President,
        Home Hardware Announces Leadership   eCommerce strategy.                  Merchandise in 2020 and moved into the role
        Changes                                Kristi   Stemmler’s   new   title   is   of Chief Merchandising Officer in March 2022.
           As we continue to execute on our Vision   Director,  Brand  Management,  Marketing   Marianne  was  named  a  2022  Top  Women
        to  be  Canada’s  most  trusted  and  preferred   Communications  and  Research,  effective   in  Retail  honouree  by  the  Women  in  Retail
        home  improvement  retail  brand,  Home   September  13,  2022.  She  has  30  years  of   Leadership Circle.
        Hardware Stores Limited is pleased to share   experience in the retail industry, with a focus
        the following leadership changes:    on brand and private brand marketing; as well   Home Hardware Celebrates Successful
           John Pierce joined Home Hardware Stores   as mass communications spanning traditional   “Homecoming” in Toronto
        Limited  as  Vice-President,  Retail  Business   and digital media channels.  After  more  than  two  years  of  hosting
        Development, effective September 21, 2022.                                virtual  events,  Home  Hardware  Stores
        John  brings  over  20  years  of  experience  as   Home  Hardware  Appoints  Marianne  Limited  brought  its  largest  Dealer  event
        a  strategic  and  results-oriented  executive   Thompson as Chief Commercial Officer  to  Toronto  from  September  23  to  25.  The
        in  operations,  human  resources  and  labour   Marianne  Thompson  has  been  appointed   event, Homecoming, hosted more than 5,000
        relations.                           to the new role of Chief Commercial Officer,   Dealer-Owners,  store  employees,  Suppliers,
           Bernie  Gauthier  joins  Home  Hardware   effective  Monday,  September  12,  2022.   business  partners  and  corporate  staff  at  the
        Stores  Limited  as  Vice-President,  Retail   In  this  role,  Marianne  will  be  responsible   Enercare  Centre,  making  it  one  of  Canada’s
        Operations, effective October 24, 2022. Bernie   for  Home  Hardware’s  overall  commercial   largest home improvement retailer events.
        is a bilingual senior executive with extensive   strategy  with  a  focus  on  driving  business   “Bringing  our  Dealers  and  the  entire
        experience  in  sales,  international  sales,  and   growth  and  expanding  market  share.    As   Home  community  together  again  in  such  a
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