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Industry NEWS
as well as 81 RONA affiliated dealer stores network, showing their desire to make a and hardware stores and employ
joined the Lowe’s, RONA, and Réno-Depôt difference,” explains Mélanie Lussier, Director, approximately 300,000 associates. Based
corporate stores to support an impressive 242 External Communications and Sustainable in Boucherville, Québec, Lowe’s Canadian
charities, non-profit organizations, and public Development. “With 313 participating business, together with its wholly owned
schools across the country. At the end of the locations supporting 242 organizations across subsidiary RONA inc., operates or services
campaign, Lowe’s Canada matched 50% of the country, our network is more mobilized more than 450 corporate and independent
the funds raised by the 313 participating and united than ever.” affiliate dealer stores in a number of
teams, up to $2,000 per location. In addition, complementary formats under different
some teams have chosen to further support About Lowe’s Canada banners, which include Lowe’s, RONA,
their cause by volunteering to help carry out Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (NYSE: LOW) is a Réno-Depôt, and Dick’s Lumber. In Canada,
a project. FORTUNE® 50 home improvement company they have more than 26,000 associates, in
“At Lowe’s Canada, we recognize the serving approximately 19 million customers addition to approximately 5,000 employees
tremendous work that these organizations a week in the United States and Canada. in the stores of independent affiliate dealers
do at the local level. We are happy to support With fiscal year 2021 sales of US $96 billion, operating under the RONA banner. For more
them in turn. The Lowe’s Canada Heroes Lowe’s and its related businesses operate or information, visit
campaign brings people together in our service more than 2,200 home improvement
...Insurance Update continued from page 8 But to get to that point, employers need time off work to visit a professional health or
to know exactly what wellness benefits wellness provider.
and wellness concerns separate from their their female workforce need and want. If
male counterparts that often not addressed, an employer has many younger women Contact HUB International to provide evidence-
despite major strides over the last several employees, for instance, it may be a good based insights and benefits solutions to your
decades to do so. idea to not only offer maternity leave top- organization.
up but also fertility and
The issues for women’s wellbeing in the reproductive treatments,
workplace and support for surrogacy
Women have specific health and wellness or adoption.
needs that employers can address. Some of If you employ older
these concerns include: women, special support
• Female-only health issues, including for those suffering
contraception, fertility, maternal health, during menopause may
menopause, gynaecology and women’s be important. Working
oncology. with a benefits broker
• General health issues that affect women to analyze worker data can
differently, such as heart disease, help create a strategy
affect women disproportionately such specific to women’s health
as migraines and osteoporosis, or and wellness that offers Real Cedar helps create
demonstrate gender bias during care, such the right programs and
as pain management and mental health. benefits to meet the needs a beautiful, sustainable
• Caregiving responsibilities for children, of the workforce. home. And by home we
elderly parents and other family members, One way to facilitate
disproportionately falls on women. wellness for women is mean the entire planet.
• Mental health issues, which have hit to leverage technology,
employees hard during the pandemic, as doing so creates a Western Red Cedar siding does not contribute
regardless of gender. modicum of privacy. to climate change like the manufacturing of
Millions of women composite products does. In fact, the use
Providing women-centric health and already take advantage of sustainably managed forest products
wellbeing solutions of period-tracking apps actually helps reduce greenhouse gases.
Many women’s health issues are still when trying to conceive Learn more at
largely taboo in the workplace, but they affect or determine if they are
productivity. It’s important to offer support nearing menopause. Not
for employees struggling with women’s only do digital solutions
health issues. This may include additional offer greater privacy, but
time off for those suffering from menstrual it’s far more convenient for 800 263 2445 |
pain or menopausal health issues, as well as women to access programs
bereavement leave for a miscarriage. remotely than to take LBMAO Reporter - September-October 2022 15