Page 20 - D18567 - LBMAO - Reporter - Sept-Oct 2022 - web optimized
P. 20

From Ukraine

        to Canada with Love

        How the de Leeuws helped the Kovalenko family start their new life in Canada

        Harvey de Leeuw is a retired building supply   their  homeland  to  Canada.    They  have  a   help prepare a solid foundation on which to
        retailer and long standing board member of   wonderful  story  to  tell  about  the  family’s   frame their future.  And, like any good build,
        the LBMAO.  He and his wife Bren live in the   move to live in their new country.  it  stands  to  reason  that  there  will  be  key
        beautiful  small  town  of  Kincardine  located   Harvey and Bren feel incredibly fortunate   trades (such as the Settlement Organization,
        on the shores of Lake Huron.  They recently   to be helping a young Ukrainian family begin   Government Representatives, Community at
        sponsored  a  family  from  war  torn  Ukraine   to build a new life here in Canada.  It is not a   large,  etc.)  engaged  in  helping  the  process
        to mentor them through the transition from   quick “2x4” fix as we are doing all we can to   move forward as smoothly as possible.

        20  LBMAO Reporter - September-October 2022                                        
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