Page 20 - Nov-Dec 2022 Reporter
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                                                                     and Second Thoughts

                                                                           on Surcharging

                                                                    EFT/Cheque Payment Platform
                                                                       Our affinity partner, Baseline Payments, recently launched an
                                                                    online EFT/electronic cheque platform that is helping Canadian
                                                                    businesses move away from paper cheques and offer a better
                                                                    payment experience to their customers.

                                                                    Why is this exciting?
                                                                       Because,  in  many  cases,  you’re  getting  paid  very  slowly.
                                                                    You pester your customers, who tell you “The cheque is in the
                                                                    mail.”  And  good  luck  with  the  reconciliation,  spending  hours
                                                                    matching payments with invoices. You can now add a payment
                                                                    link  directly  on  the  invoice,  enabling  your  clients  to  pay  you
                                                                    faster  with  a  much-preferred  method  of  payment  -  a  superb-
                                                                    looking “e-cheque” site - and clear up lots of headaches for the
                                                                    accounting team.
                                                                       Customers can log in to the payment portal and pay online
                                                                    any amount via bank transfer. Payments then show up with the
                                                                    invoice number on your bank feed, making reconciliation easy
                                                                    and efficient.
                                                                       You  stay  informed  about  the  status  of  the  payment  every
                                                                    step of the way through automated notification emails and real-

        time payment tracking.               go  through  specific  processes  outlined  by   about 1 percent of their nearly 2,000 clients
             The  payments  landscape  has  been   Visa  and  MasterCard,  both  of  which  require   have  asked  about  surcharging,  and  fewer
        constantly  evolving  since  Covid  started,  as   a 30-day notice to the acquiring processors -   than  half  of  those  are  seriously  considering
        companies  are  eager  to  tackle  pain  points   financial institutions that process credit card   it. After all, if you’re in a competitive business,
        around the unpredictability of AR and AP. The   payments - and to the credit card companies.   passing  along  that  1.4  -  2.4  percent  fee  to
        Baseline  consulting  team  can  address  those   Merchants are also required to clearly disclose   your  customers  might  just  drive  them  to
        pains by providing solutions that will enable   the  surcharge  to  customers  at  the  entrance   that  business  down  the  street  that  won’t
        you  to  focus  on  what  you  do  best  (which   of their stores, on every receipt, invoice, and   surcharge. Your customers are using a credit
        might not be the finance stuff.)     at the point of sale for online, in-person, and   card  and  you’re  being  paid  immediately;
                                             over-the-phone transactions.         what’s that worth to you?
        Surcharging                            From  a  practical  perspective,  surcharging   Baseline,  a  consulting  firm  that  has
           So, you accept credit cards but hate paying   may be months away.      provided  accounts  receivable  and  payable
        the  fees.  The  news  last  month  that  you  can   You  can  see  there  are  various  moving   advice to merchants across Canada for more
        surcharge your customers came as welcome   parts. And the processors are still working on   than  a  decade,  understands  the  pain  points
        news,  right?  Passing  along  these  fees  is   the adjustments needed to bring this service   around payment acceptance and has a variety
        brilliant, right?                    to Canada in order to comply with card brand   of  solutions  and  approaches  that  can  help
           Not  so  fast.  Our  affinity  partner,  Baseline   rules. For example, altering physical terminals   merchants  save  money  and,  perhaps  even
        Payments, reports that the payment industry   so  they  will  show  a  surcharge  on  every   more importantly, time. Stefano and his team
        doesn’t quite have its act together on making   transaction.              will be reaching out to you. Feel free to drop
        this an easy process.                  In  the  meantime,  think  carefully  about   him  a  note  at  stefano@baselinepayments.
           On  the  level,  it  seems  straightforward:   whether  you  want  to  even  go  this  route.   com or call 778-926-1805.
        Merchants  who  intend  to  surcharge  must   Baseline’s Stefano Corradini tells us that only

        20  LBMAO Reporter - November-December 2022                                        
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